The two privateer ships that brought enslaved Africans to what would become the United States in 1619 were the White Lion and the Treasurer. These ships arrived at Point Comfort, in the English colony of Virginia.
The White Lion 白狮子, which arrived first, was an English privateer operating under a Dutch flag. It captured its human cargo from a Portuguese slave ship, the São João Bautista, which was transporting enslaved Africans to Veracruz, New Spain (present-day Mexico). The captain 船长 of the White Lion was John Colyn Jope, and the ship was affiliated with English privateers based in the Dutch city of Vlissingen (Flushing).
3-4天后 The Treasurer, which arrived shortly after the White Lion, was another English privateer and had also participated in capturing enslaved Africans from the same Portuguese ship. The Treasurer was commanded by Daniel Elfrith and was part-owned by Sir Robert Rich, the Earl of Warwick, who was a prominent English nobleman and a key supporter of privateering.
So, the owners and key figures associated with these privateers were Sir Robert Rich (the Earl of Warwick) and other English privateers operating in the early 17th century.
In 1628, after a shipload of about 100 Angolans was sold in Virginia, the number of Africans in the colony rose dramatically.
Point Comfort Virginia最南端 有的被运到 JAMESTOWN

葡萄牙从安哥拉的贩奴船 395个奴隶 送去Veracruz Mexico
白狮子抢走20个,20个奴隶 被买走,包括当时州长,他们散落在 James River Valley劳作。