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热度 8已有 10956 次阅读2013-1-12 09:37 |系统分类:转帖-时事政治经济| 中国, facebook, twitter, scenario, 战争, facebook, twitter, facebook, twitter


2013-01-11 07:15 环球时报 5984 字号:TT






  中国军机昨天发出的是什么信号呢?我们认为,日本自卫队战斗机反复飞向钓鱼岛是什么意思,中国军机就是什么意思。未来钓鱼岛有多大危 险,完全取决于日本“拦截”中国军机是做做样子,还是真的要同中国军机对抗。如果日本人选的是后一种,那么他们选的就是走向中日军事冲突。




  中国全社会要对这场惊险博弈达成几个重要共识,使它们成为在任何时候都不会动摇的决心。第一,坚决回击日本的任何挑衅,我们不打第一 枪,但中国的军事报复要毫不犹豫。第二,坚持不主动扩大战事规模,也决不惧怕战争的升级。第三,我们的战略目标应是有限的,即迫使日本接受中国的钓鱼岛政 策,而不扩大为同日本“算总账”。


  中国与日本有规模巨大的贸易和其他经济合作,我们定下神来对付日本,应包括同它一是一、二是二打交道的态度,即对抗归对抗,生意归生 意,尽管这很难完全做到,但这应是坚定不移的原则。这样做能使中国社会的损失降到最低,既符合人民的整体利益,也有利于扩大与日本对抗可持续的民众支持 度。



China ready for worst-case Diaoyu scenario
Global Times | 2013-1-11

According to Japanese media, Japan's Self-Defense Forces have scrambled fighter jets against China's military aircraft, including fighter jets, which flew to the Diaoyu Islands. It was the first time that military aircraft from both China and Japan confronted each other over the Diaoyu Islands. All of East Asia is now facing intense uncertainty.

Thanks to Japan's arrogance toward China, the Diaoyu Islands dispute has come to this point. Japanese politicians, including Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara and former prime minister Yoshihiko Noda, are to blame.

China and Japan may stand at a turning point that leads to confrontation. The resentment toward each other has come to the highest level since World War II. The Sino-Japanese relationship is looking dim.

Japan has mistakenly estimated China's strategic stance toward constant external provocations. A year ago, Japanese politicians wouldn't have thought that China would send fighter jets.

Some Japanese believed China had to be restrained at any costs to ensure a peaceful period of strategic opportunities. But the fighter jets yesterday proved them wrong.

How far the Diaoyu crisis goes depends on whether Japan is just putting on a show by intercepting China's military aircraft or it really wants to confront China. If it chooses the latter, then it is choosing a military clash.

Chinese society is tired of simple verbal protests toward Japan. The Chinese people hope the country will carry out actions against Japan's provocations. China's sending fighter jets to the islands reflects Chinese public opinion.

A military clash is more likely. We shouldn't have the illusion that Japan will be deterred by our firm stance. We need to prepare for the worst.

China and Japan are likely to become long-term rivals or even enemies. Japan has become the vanguard of the US' strategy which aims to contain China.

Chinese society should reach consensus on a number of issues. First, China should firmly respond to any Japanese provocation. It won't be the initiator of the war, but it shouldn't be hesitant to take military revenge. Meanwhile, it will not take the lead in escalating the war, nor will it be afraid of any escalation. Last, but not least, China's strategic aim is to make Japan accept China's current position on the Diaoyu Islands, rather than extend the crisis to disputes over historical issues.

China should have the courage to face military confrontations with any rival when provoked. At the same time, we should remain cool-headed.

China and Japan have been cooperating in trade and other economic fields. We should try not to let political confrontations affect business. This will minimize China's losses, which conforms to China's overall interest and would help the nation gain support from the public in any confrontation.

The Diaoyu crisis is a test of China's unity in the Internet era. China's strength has enabled it to take countermeasures against Japan and face any uncertainty. This requires society to remain united.








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