All 3 of these photos show the same address: 857 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, NY.
The first house was built in the 1880s, then demolished to make way for a new house in the 1900s, which gave way to this high rise in the 1960s.
The Harkness Mansion, Fifth Avenue and 75th Street, NYC. (Address 1 East 75th Street). Edward S. Harkness was a partner with Flagler and John D. Rockefeller in Standard Oil, and was the 6th richest man in America at one point.
The Mansion was deeded to the Commonwealth Fund charity after Harkness and his wife passed away, and the Harkness family was engaged in philanthropy until they died. 哥大Butler图书馆
The interior is mostly intact as it was over 100 years ago.
Henry Flagler
Last Train to Paradise