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已有 1618 次阅读2024-5-7 21:40 |个人分类:American Art (History)|系统分类:转帖-知识

James P. Booth Board of Supervisors  On March 18, 1907, as part of the San Francisco graft trials, 16 of the 18 supervisors confessed before a grand jury to receiving money from corrupt political boss Abe Ruef. In exchange for their testimony, "they were promised complete immunity and would not be forced to resign their offices."

Samuel Braunhart Board of Supervisors Samuel Braunhart was appointed June 27, 1900 to replace A.B. Maguire.
L. J.  Dwyer SF 19 district Board of Supervisors

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Boxton  Charles Boxton Board of Supervisors
 Following the conviction of Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz for extortion, the board declared the office of the mayor vacant on July 9, 1907. Charles Boxton resigned his position as supervisor the same day and was elected by the board to fill Schmitz's unexpired term. However, testimony in Schmitz's corruption trial soon revealed that Boxton had taken bribes, so he actually served only seven days as mayor, resigning on July 16, 1907, to be replaced by Edward R. Taylor, dean of Hastings College of the Law. On July 29, 1907, Taylor appointed James P. Booth, who had served as a supervisor from 1900 to 1905, to serve Boxton's unexpired term as supervisor.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_D._Phelan James D. Phelan just left the position of the Mayor of SF and aiming for the seat of CA senator. Anti-China is the most cost-effective way to win votes, exactly just like today!
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