

分享 Pollo AI,Midjourney
MingHao 2024-12-2 13:41
Pollo AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXaOlWYWADc Midjourney https://www.123rf.com/ai-image-generator/?gad_source=2gclid=EAIaIQobChMIypL1sK-IigMVBi7UAR1dqTAyEAEYASAAEgKVLfD_BwEgclsrc=aw.ds#googtrackad10h
个人分类: AI|345 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 创作者为什么要学AI
MingHao 2024-12-2 12:04
个人分类: AI|590 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ZT 医生会被人工智能AI取代吗?
MingHao 2024-6-23 10:06
​这两年与AI相关的产业可谓蒸蒸日上,从芯片,模型再到应用,AI无疑是人类历史上又一次科技上的飞跃。AI虽然仍然在襁褓之中,人们已经开始在各个方面实验AI取代人工的可能性,甚至有些职业已经裁人了。 ​ ​作为一位医生,我也在反复自问:我会被AI取代吗?目前的医学模型在某些疾病正确诊断率上已经超出医生。尽管 ...
个人分类: AI|1097 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ChatGPT -为什么学哲学
MingHao 2024-6-18 00:56
Understanding philosophy is essential because it helps us explore and address fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and reality. Here’s a comprehensive look at why engaging with philosophy is valuable: * 1. Developing Critical Thinking Analytical Skills : Phi ...
个人分类: AI|888 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 chatGPT -importance of our identity
MingHao 2024-6-18 00:54
Our identity is fundamental to our existence and plays a crucial role in shaping our lives. Here’s a breakdown of its importance: * 1. Personal Understanding and Growth Self-awareness : Understanding our identity helps us know who we are, what we value, and where we come ...
个人分类: AI|972 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 光,声
MingHao 2024-3-17 09:40
个人分类: AI|2027 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 礼貌举止
MingHao 2023-12-11 09:03
Manners are often considered a reflection of a person's upbringing, cultural background, and education level. Good manners generally involve showing respect, consideration, and politeness toward others. Here's how manners can be connected to one's class and education level: Upbringing and Famil ...
个人分类: AI|1027 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Ethics 道德伦理
MingHao 2023-12-9 04:31
Ethics refers to the principles of right and wrong that guide individuals or groups in making decisions and behaving responsibly. It encompasses moral principles, values, and standards of conduct that govern human behavior. Ethics is a fundamental aspect of various fields, including ...
个人分类: AI|1051 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 what is being progressive like
MingHao 2023-12-8 09:01
ChatGPT ChatGPT Being progressive generally refers to having a forward-thinking and open-minded approach to social, political, economic, and cultural issues. Progressivism is characterized by a willingness to embrace change, advoc ...
个人分类: AI|974 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 数学训练对少年成长有什么好处
MingHao 2023-11-28 05:32
What personal traits does MATH training provide for teens ? ChatGPT ChatGPT Engaging in mathematics training can offer numerous benefits for teenagers, extending beyond just acquiring mathematical skills. Here are some personal traits that teens ma ...
个人分类: AI|1177 次阅读|0 个评论


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