Critical Behavior of a Point Contact in a Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Jeffrey C.Y. Teo and C.L. Kane arXiv:0904.3109v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 21 Apr 2009 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 We study a quantum point contact in a quantum spin Hall insulator. It has recently been shown that the Luttinger liquid theory of such a structure maps to the theory of a weak link in a Luttinger liquid with spin with Luttinger liquid parameters gρ = 1/gσ = g < 1. We show that for weak interactions, 1/2 < g < 1, the pinch-off of the point contact as a function of gate voltage is controlled by a novel quantum critical point, which is a realization of a nontrivial intermediate fixed point found previously in the Luttinger liquid model with spin. We predict that the dependence of the conductance on gate voltage near the pinch-off transition for different temperatures collapses onto a universal curve described by a crossover scaling function associated with that fixed point. We compute the conductance and critical exponents of the critical point as well as the universal √ scaling function in solvable limits, which include g = 1 − ǫ, g = 1/2 + ǫ and g = 1/ 3. These results, along with a general scaling analysis provide an overall picture of the critical behavior as a function of g. In addition, we analyze the structure of the four terminal conductance of the point contact in the weak tunneling and weak backscattering limits. We find that different components of the conductance can have different temperature dependence. In particular, we identify a skew conductance GXY , which we predict vanishes as T γ with γ ≥ 2. This behavior is a direct consequence of the unique edge state structure of the quantum spin Hall insulator. Finally, we show that for strong interactions g < 1/2 the presence of spin non conserving spin orbit interactions leads to a novel time reversal symmetry breaking insulating phase. In this phase, the transport is carried by spinless chargons and chargeless spinons. These lead to nontrivial correlations in the low frequency shot noise. Implications for experiments on HgCdTe quantum well structures will be discussed. PACS numbers: 71.10.Pm, 72.15.Nj, 85.75.-d I. INTRODUCTION A quantum spin Hall insulator (QSHI) is a time reversal invariant two dimensional electronic phase which has a bulk energy gap generated by the spin orbit interaction1,2 . It has a topological order3 which requires the presence of gapless edge states similar to those that occur in the integer quantum Hall effect. In the simplest version, the QSHI can be understood as two time reversed copies of the integer quantum Hall state4 for up and down spins. The edge states, which propagate in opposite directions for the two spins, form a unique one dimensional system in which elastic backscattering is forbidden by time reversal symmetry1 . This state occurs in HgCdTe quantum well structures5 , and experiments have verified the basic features of the edge states, including the Landauer conductance6 2e2 /h, as well as the non locality of the edge state transport7 . In the presence of electron interactions, the edge states form a Luttinger liquid8,9,10,11,12,13,14 . For strong interactions (when the Luttinger liquid parameter g < 3/8) random two particle backscattering processes destabilize the edge states, leading to an Anderson localized phase. For g > 3/8 (or a sufficiently clean system), however, one expects the characteristic power law behavior for tunneling of a Luttinger liquid. A powerful tool for probing edge state transport experimentally is to make a quantum point contact. As depicted in Fig. 1(a,b), a gate voltage controls the coupling between edge states on either side of a Hall bar as the point contact is pinched off. Recently, the point con- tact problem for a QSHI has been studied10,11 . Hou, Kim and Chamon10 made the interesting observation that the QSHI problem maps to an earlier studied model15,16 of a weak link in a spinful Luttinger liquid (SLL), in which the charge and spin Luttinger parameters are given by gρ = g and gσ = 1/g 17 . For sufficiently strong interactions (g < 1/2) they found that the simple perfectly transmitting and perfectly reflecting phases are both unstable. They showed that as long as spin is conserved at the junction the low energy behavior is dominated by a non trivial “mixed” fixed point of the SLL, in which charge is reflected but spin is perfectly transmitted. This charge insulator/spin conductor (IC) phase leads to a novel structure in the four terminal conductance of the point contact. In this paper, we will focus on the QSHI point contact for weaker interactions, when 1/2 < g < 1. In this regime the open limit (or weak backscattering, “small v”) and the pinched off limit (or weak tunneling, “small t”) are both stable perturbatively. This is different from the behavior in an ordinary Luttinger liquid15,16,18 or a fractional quantum Hall point contact19,20 . In those cases the perfectly transmitting limit is unstable for g < 1. Weak backscattering is relevant and grows at low energy, leading to a crossover to the stable perfectly reflecting fixed point. The fact that both the small v and the small t limits are stable for the QSHI point contact means that there must be an intermediate unstable fixed point which separates the flows to the two limits. This unstable fixed point describes a quantum critical point where the point contact switches on as a function of the pinch-off gate voltage. We will argue that in the limit of zero tempera- 2 VG 1 QSHI 4 2 VG 1 QSHI VG QSHI 3 2 QSHI VG 4 (a) 3 (b) G 2e2/h G* α T (c) VG * VG FIG. 1: A quantum point contact in a QSHI, controlled by ∗ a gate voltage VG . In (a) VG < VG , and the point contact is pinched off. The spin filtered edge states are perfectly ∗ reflected. In (b) VG > VG , and the point contact is open. The edge states are perfectly transmitted. In (c) we plot the conductance (later defined as GXX ) as a function of VG for different temperatures. As the temperature is lowered, the pinch-off curve sharpens up with a width T α . The curves cross at a critical conductance G∗ , and the shape of the curve has the universal scaling form (1.1). The plotted curves are based on Eq. 3.9, valid for g = 1 − ǫ, which is computed in Section III.C. ture the point contact switches on abruptly as a function ∗ of gate voltage VG , with conductance G = 0 for VG < VG ∗ and G = 2e2 /h for VG > VG . At finite but low temperature T , the shape of the pinch-off curve G(VG , T ) is controlled by the crossover between the unstable and stable fixed points, and is described by a universal crossover scaling function, lim ∆VG ,T →0 G(VG , T ) = 2e2 ∆VG Gg (c αg ). h T (1.1) ∗ Here ∆VG = VG − VG and c is a non universal constant. αg is a critical exponent describing the unstable intermediate fixed point. Gg (X) is a universal function which crosses over between 0 and 1 as a function of X. αg and Gg (X) are completely determined by the Luttinger liquid parameter g. This behavior means that as temperature is lowered, the pinch-off curve as a function of VG sharpens up with a characteristic width which vanishes as T αg , as shown schematically in Fig. 1(c). The curves at different low temperatures cross at G∗ = Gg (0), the conductance g of the critical point. Eq. 1.1 predicts that data from different temperatures can be rescaled to lie on the same universal curve. The crossover scaling function Gg (X) is similar to the scaling function that controls the lineshape of resonances in a Luttinger liquid16,21 and in a fractional quantum Hall point contact19 . That scaling function was computed exactly for all g by Fendley, Ludwig and Saleur22 using the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz. That problem, however, was simpler than ours because the critical point occurs at the weak backscattering limit, which is described by a boundary conformal field theory with a trivial boundary condition23 . The intermediate fixed point relevant to our problem has no such simple description. Thus, even the critical point properties αg and G∗ (which were simg ple for the resonance problem) are highly nontrivial to determine. Intermediate fixed points in Luttinger liquid problems were first discussed in Refs. 15 and 16 in the context of SLLs. However, for that problem they occur in a rather unphysical region of parameter space gσ > 2, because spin rotational invariance requires gσ = 1. To our knowledge, the QSHI point contact provides the first physically viable system to directly probe these non trivial fixed points. The existence of the intermediate fixed points can be inferred from the stability of the simple perfectly transmitting or reflecting fixed points15,16 . However their properties are difficult to compute, and a general characterization of these critical points remains an unsolved problem in conformal field theory24 . Two approaches have been used to study their properties. In Ref. 16, a perturbative approach was introduced which applies when the Luttinger parameters are close to their criti∗ ∗ cal values gσ and gρ , where the simple fixed points become unstable. (For instance, for the weak backscatter∗ ∗ ∗ ing limit, gρ = 1/2, gσ = 3/2). For gρ,σ = gρ,σ − ǫ, the fixed point is accessible in perturbation theory about the simple fixed point, and it’s properties can be computed in a manner analogous to the ǫ expansion in statistical mechanics. An alternative approach is to map the theory for specific values of gρ and gσ onto solvable models. In Ref. 25, Yi and Kane recast the Luttinger liquid barrier problem as a problem of quantum Brownian motion (QBM) in a two dimensional periodic potential. When gρ = 1/3, gσ = 1 and the potential has minima with a honeycomb lattice symmetry, a stable intermediate fixed point which occurs in that problem was identified with that of the 3 channel Kondo problem. This, in turn is related to the solvable SU (2)3 Wess Zumino Witten model26 , allowing for a complete characterization of the fixed point. This idea was further developed by Affleck, Oshikawa and Saleur24 , who provided a more general characterization of the fixed point in terms of the boundary conformal field √ theory of √ three state Pott’s model. For gρ = 1/ 3 the and gσ = 3 the QBM model with triangular lattice symmetry has an unstable intermediate fixed point, which we will see is related to the fixed point of the QSHI problem. In Ref. 25 symmetry arguments were exploited to determine the critical conductance G∗ in that case. In this paper we will compute αg and Gg (X) (along with a multiterminal generalization of the conductance) 3 in three solvable limits: (i) For g = 1 − ǫ, we will perform an expansion for weak electron interactions. For non interacting electrons the point contact can be characterized in terms of a scattering matrix Sij , for arbitrary transmission. Weak interactions lead to a logarithmic renormalization of Sij . Following the method developed by Matveev,Yue and Glazman27 , this allows Gg (X) and αg to be calculated exactly in the limit g → 1. (ii) For g = 1/2 + ǫ we find that the intermediate fixed point approaches the charge insulator/spin conductor fixed point, allowing for a perturbative calculation of the fixed point properties G∗ and αg to leading order in g ǫ. Moreover, for g = 1/2 the Luttinger liquid theory can be fermionized, which allows the full crossover function Gg (X) to be determined in that limit. √ (iii) For g = 1/ 3 the self duality argument developed in Ref. 25 allows us to compute the fixed point conductance G∗ exactly. These three results, along with the general scaling analysis provide an overall picture of the critical behavior of the QSHI point contact as a function of g. In addition to the analysis of the pinch-off transition discussed above, we will touch on two other issues in this paper. First, we will introduce a convenient parameterization of the four terminal conductance as a 3×3 conductance matrix. In this form symmetry constraints on the conductance are reflected in a natural way. Moreover, we will predict that different components of the conductance matrix have different temperature dependence at the low temperature fixed points. In particular, we will introduce a “skew” conductance GXY , which is predicted to vanish as T γ with γ ≥ 2. For non interacting electrons we will show that GXY = 0, and for weak interactions γ = 2. This behavior is a direct consequence of the spin filtered nature of the edge states, and does not occur in a generic four terminal conductance device. It is thus a powerful diagnostic for the edge states. Secondly, we will examine the role of spin orbit terms at the point contact which respect time reversal symmetry but violate spin conservation. For g > 1/2 we will provide evidence that such terms are irrelevant at the intermediate critical fixed point, so that they are unimportant for the critical behavior of the point contact. However, for g < 1/2, such terms are relevant. Hou, Kim and Chamon10 pointed out that these terms are relevant perturbations at the charge insulator/spin conductor fixed point for g < 1/2, but they did not identify the stable phase to which the system flows at low energy. We will argue that the system flows to a time reversal symmetry breaking insulating state in which the four terminal conductance Gij = 0. Since spin orbit interaction terms will generically be present in a point contact, the true low energy behavior of a point contact will be described by this phase. An interesting consequence of the broken time reversal symmetry of this phase is that the weak tunneling processes which dominate the conductance at low, but finite temperature are not electron tunneling processes. Rather, they involve the tunneling of neutral spinons and spinless chargons. This has nontrivial implications for four terminal noise correlation measurements. A related effect has been predicted by Maciejko et al.12 for the insulating state of a single impurity on a single edge of a QSHI. This insulating state, however, requires stronger electron electron interactions. It occurs in the regime g < 1/4, where weak disorder already leads to Anderson localization. This paper is organized as follows. In section II we discuss our model and analyze five stable phases. In addition to the simple fixed points, where charge and spin are either perfectly reflected or perfectly transmitted, we discuss the time reversal symmetry breaking insulating phase which occurs for strong interactions with spin orbit. In section III we discuss the critical behavior of the conductance at the pinch-off transition. We will begin in section III.A with a general discussion of the scaling theory and phase diagram, along with a summary of our results. Readers who are not interested in the detailed calculations can go directly to this subsection. In the following subsections we describe the calculations √ for g = 1/ 3, g = 1 − ǫ and g = 1/2 + ǫ in detail. In section IV we conclude with a discussion of experimental and theoretical issues raised by this work. In appendix A we show describe our parameterization of the four terminal conductance and show that in this representation symmetry constraints have a simple form. II. MODEL AND STABLE PHASES In this section we will describe the Luttinger liquid theory of the QSHI point contact. We will begin in section II.A by describing the Luttinger liquid model first for a single edge and then relating the four edges to the theory of the SLL. We then discuss the four terminal conductance. In section II.B we describe the simple limits of our model which correspond to stable phases. The simplest limits are the perfect transmission limit, or charge conductor/spin conductor (CC), the perfect reflection limit, or charge insulator/spin insulator (II). In addition we will discuss the “mixed” phases, including the charge insulator/spin conductor (IC) and the charge conductor/spin insulator (CI). For most of this section we will assume that spin is conserved. While spin nonconserving spin orbit interactions are allowed and will generically be present we will argue that they are irrelevant for the fixed points and crossovers of physical interest. An exception to this, however, occurs for strong interactions when g < 1/2. This will be discussed in section II.B.5, where we will show that there are relevant spin orbit terms which destabilize the CC, II and IC phases. We will argue that these perturbations flow to a different low temperature phase, which we identify as a time reversal symmetry breaking insulator (TBI). In that section we will explore the transport properties of that state. 4 Much of the theory presented in this section is contained either explicitly or implicitly in the work Hou, Kim and Chamon10 , as well as in Refs. 11,15,16. We include it here to establish our notation and to make our discussion self contained. We will highlight, however, three results of this section which are original to this work. They include (1) our analysis of the four terminal conductance, which predicts that different components of the conductance matrix have different temperature dependence. In particular, we find that the skew conductance GXY vanishes at low temperature as T γ with γ ≥ 2. (2) In section II.B.5 we introduce the TBI phase discussed above. (3) We introduce a perturbative analysis of the IC and CI phases in section II.B.3 and II.B.4. While this was partially discussed in Ref. 16, we will show that a full analysis requires the introduction of a pseudo-spin degree of freedom in the perturbation theory. This new pseudospin does not affect the lowest order stability analysis of the IC phase, but it will prove crucial for the second order renormalization group flows, which will be used in the ǫ expansion in Section III.D. Then, i H0 = v0 (1 + λ4 ) (∂x φi,in )2 + (∂x φi,out )2 4π − 2λ2 ∂x φi,in ∂x φi,out ] , where λi = ui /(2πv0 ). Changing variables φi,in φi,out = 1 2g 1+g 1−g 1−g 1+g H0 = v ˜ ˜ (∂x φi,in )2 + (∂x φi,out )2 , 4πg 4 ∞ H0 = i=1 0 i dxi H0 , z ˜ ˜ [φi,a (x), φj,b (y)] = iπgδij τab sgn(x − y). † † i H0 = iv0 (ψi,in ∂x ψi,in − ψi,out ∂x ψi,out ) † † + u2 ψi,in ψi,in ψi,out ψi,out (2.2) 1 † † + u4 (ψi,in ψi,in )2 + (ψi,out ψi,out )2 . 2 Here ψi,in and ψi,out are a time reversed pair of fermion operators with opposite spin which propagate toward and away from the junction. v0 is the bare Fermi velocity, and u is electron interaction strength. u2 and u4 are forward scattering interaction parameters. The boundary condition on the fermions at x = 0 is determined by the transmission of the point contact, and will be discussed in various limits below. 1. z [φi,a (x), φj,b (y)] = iπδij τab sgn(x − y). 1 + λ4 − λ2 . 1 + λ4 + λ2 2. (2.4) (2.9) Mapping to Spinful Luttinger liquid Consider an open point contact in a Hall bar geometry with edge states on the top and bottom edges which continuously connect leads 1 and 2 and leads 3 and 4. We then define left and right moving fields with spin ↑, ↓ as φR↑ φL↓ φL↑ φR↓ = φ1,in (−x)θ(−x) + φ2,out (x)θ(x) = φ2,in (x)θ(x) + φ1,out (−x)θ(−x) = φ3,in (x)θ(x) + φ4,out (−x)θ(−x) = φ4,in (−x)θ(−x) + φ3,out (x)θ(x). (2.10) It is then useful to define sum and difference fields as φaσ = 1 (ϕρ + σϕσ + aθρ + aσθσ ), 2 (2.11) where a = R, L = +, − and σ =↑, ↓= +, −. Then, θα and ϕα obey, [θα (x), ϕβ (y)] = 2πiδαβ θ(x − y), where a = in, out, and xc is a short distance cutoff. ψi,a obey the Kac Moody commutation algebra, (2.8) The Luttinger liquid parameter g determines the power law exponents for various quantities. For instance the tunneling density of states scales as ρ(E) ∝ E (g+1/g)/2−1 . Bosonization of a single edge We first consider the Luttinger liquid theory for a single edge. We thus bosonize according to 1 (2.3) eiφi,a , ψi,a = √ 2πxc (2.7) (1 + λ4 )2 − λ2 and 2 Here v = v0 (2.1) with (2.6) ˜ where φi,a obey Model The edge states on the four edges in Fig. 1(a,b) emanating from the point contact may be described by the Hamiltonian ˜ φi,in ˜ φi,out transforms (2.5) into a theory of decoupled chiral bosons g= A. (2.5) (2.12) and (2.3, 2.5) become10 H0 = ∞ −∞ dx v 1 ga (∂x ϕa )2 + (∂x θa )2 . 4π ga a=σ,ρ (2.13) where gρ = g, gσ = 1/g, (2.14) 5 O ΘOΘ−1 MX OM−1 MY OM−1 X Y θρ θρ −θρ θρ ϕρ −ϕρ ϕρ ϕρ θσ −θσ θσ −θσ ϕσ ϕσ + π −ϕσ −ϕσ a third voltage VZ which biases leads (13) relative to (24). Spin conservation then requires IZ = GZZ VZ , and g and v are given in the previous section. It is useful to list the effect of symmetry operations on the charge-spin variables, because symmetries constrain the allowed tunneling operators. Charge conservation leads to gauge invariance under the transformation ϕρ → ϕρ + δρ . The conservation of spin Sz leads to invariance under ϕσ → ϕσ + δσ . The effects of time reversal and mirror symmetries is shown in Table I. Time reversal symmetry is specified by the operation Θψaσ Θ−1 = iσψaσ . The mirror MX interchanges leads ¯¯ 14 ↔ 23 while MY interchanges leads (12 ↔ 34). Four Terminal Conductance The central measurable quantity is the four terminal conductance, defined by Gij Vj , Ii = (2.15) j where Ii is the current flowing into lead i. Gij is in general characterize by 9 independent parameters. In Appendix A we introduce a convenient representation for these parameters, which simplifies the representation of symmetry constraints. Here we will summarize the key points of that analysis. The presence of both time reversal symmetry and spin conservation considerably simplifies the conductance. It is characterized by three independent conductances IX IY = GXX GXY GY X GY Y VX VY . e2 . h (2.18) with GZZ = 2 TABLE I: The effect of discrete symmetry operations on the boson fields θρ and θσ . 3. (2.17) (2.16) Here IX = I1 + I4 is the current flowing from left to right in Fig. 1, while IY = I1 + I2 is the current flowing from top to bottom. Similarly, VX is a voltage biasing leads (14) relative to (23) and VY biases leads (12) relative to (34). GXX is thus the two terminal conductance measured horizontally, while GY Y is the two terminal conductance measured vertically. GXY = GY X is a “skew conductance”, which vanishes in the presence of mirror symmetry. Given these three parameters, the full four terminal conductance matrix Gij can be constructed using Eq. (A6). A second consequence of spin conservation is the quantization of a particular combination of Gij . In particular, in appendix A we define a third current IZ = I1 + I3 and Since spin nonconserving spin orbit terms are allowed, spin conservation will not be generically present in the microscopic Hamiltonian of the junction. Nonetheless, we will argue that the low temperature fixed points possess a emergent spin conservation, as well as mirror symmetry, so that (2.18) should hold, albeit with corrections which vanish as a power of temperature. B. Stable Phases In this section we describe various stable fixed points which admit simple descriptions using bosonization. We will first focus on the limit in which spin is conserved at the junction. There are then four simple fixed points15,16 . These include the perfectly transmitting (CC) limit, in which both charge and spin conduct, and the perfectly reflecting limit (II) in which both charge and spin are insulating. The “mixed” fixed points, denoted IC (CI) are perfectly reflecting for charge (spin) and perfectly transmitting for spin (charge). In the presence of spin non conserving spin orbit terms (which preserve time reversal symmetry) an additional fixed point is possible in which time reversal symmetry is spontaneously broken. We will see that in the presence of spin orbit terms this time reversal breaking insulator (TBI) phase is the stable phase when g < 1/2. 1. Weak backscattering (CC) limit We first consider the limit where the point contact is nearly open and assume spin is conserved. It will prove useful to follow Ref. 16 and write (2.13) as a 0+1 dimensional Euclidean path integral for θρ,σ (τ ) ≡ θρ,σ (x = 0, τ ). This formulation is not essential for carrying out the perturbative analysis of this fixed point. However, it is of conceptual value for discussing the duality between different phases, which can be understood in terms of instanton processes in which θρ,σ (τ ) tunnels between degenerate minima at strong coupling. This is accomplished by setting up the path integral for θσρ (x, τ ) and then integrating out θσ,ρ (x, τ ) for x = 0. The resulting theory for θσ,ρ (τ ) has the form of a quantum Brownian motion model24,25,28,29,30 , described by the Euclidean action SCC = 1 β α,ωn 1 |ωn ||θa (ωn )|2 − 2πgα β 0 dτ VCC (θσ , θρ ), τc (2.19) 6 (a) ve or (b) vρ (c) At the fixed point the conductance matrix elements are vσ GXX = 2e2 /h GY Y = GXY = 0. te (d) tσ (e) or tρ At finite temperature, there will be corrections to these values. The leading corrections will depend on the least irrelevant operators. We find (f) δGXX = 2 −c1 ve T g+g 2 −c2 vρ T 4g−2 δGY Y = 2 c3 ve T g+g −2 2 4/g−2 c4 vσ T −1 FIG. 2: Schematic representation of tunneling processes in (a,b,c) the CC phase (“small v”) and (c,d,e) the II phase (“small t”). (a) and (d) describe single electron processes, while the others are two particle processes. The duality relating ve ↔ te , vρ ↔ tσ and vσ ↔ tρ can clearly be seen. where ωn = 2πn/β are Matsubara frequencies, and β = 1/kB T . We have included the short time cutoff τc = xc /v in the second term to make the potential V (θρ , θσ ) dimensionless. The theory can be regularized by evaluating frequency sums with a exp(−|ωn |τc ) convergence factor. The potential V (θρ , θσ ) is given by an expansion in terms of tunneling operators, which represent the processes depicted in Fig. 2(a,b,c), VCC = ve cos(θρ + ηρ ) cos θσ + vρ cos 2θρ + vσ cos 2θσ . (2.20) ve represents the elementary backscattering of a single electron across the point contact. The phase of cos θσ in that term is fixed by time reversal symmetry. The phase ηρ of cos θρ is arbitrary, though mirror symmetry, if present, requires ηρ = nπ. In addition we include compound tunneling processes. vρ represents the backscattering of a pair of electrons with opposite spins. We have chosen to define θρ such that the phase of this term is zero. Note that this process involves the tunneling of spin (not charge) between the top and bottom edges. Similarly, vσ represents the transfer of a unit of spin from the right to the left moving channels, and involves the tunneling of charge 2e between the top and bottom edges. In general higher order terms could also be included. However, those terms are less relevant. The low energy stability of this fixed point is determined by the scaling dimensions ∆(vα ) of the perturbations, which determine the leading order renormalization group flows, dvα /dℓ = (1 − ∆(vα ))vα . (2.21) These are given by ∆(vσ ) = 2gσ (2.22) = 2g −1 . It is therefore clear that all operators are irrelevant for 1/2 < g < 2, so that the CC phase is stable. For g < 1/2 vρ becomes relevant, and for g > 2 vσ becomes relevant. √ g > 1/ 3 √ g < 1/ 3 √ g< 3 √ , g> 3 −2 −1 (2.24) where c√ are nonuniversal constants. Note that for i g < 1/ 3 the exponents for GXX and GY Y are different. In addition, there will be power law corrections to GXY when the mirror symmetries Mx , My are violated. However, this correction is zero when computed from (2.19,2.20), even when ηρ = 0, due to the symmetry of (2.20) under θσ → −θσ . Computing GXY requires a higher order irrelevant operator. For instance λ1 ∂x ϕσ sin θρ cos θσ and λ2 ∂x ϕρ cos θρ sin θσ break both MX and MY , while preserving time reversal. This leads to δGXY = c5 λ1 λ2 T g+g −1 . (2.25) Note that the temperature exponent of GXY is at least 2 even for weak interactions g ∼ 1. This is because the tunneling terms λ1 and λ2 include an extra derivative term. This is related to the fact (which we will show in Section III.C) that for non interacting electrons GXY = 0. Weak interactions then introduce inelastic processes which give GXY ∝ T 2 . The vanishing of GXY is a unique property of the spin filtered edge states of the QSHI, which does not occur for a generic four terminal conductance. 2. Weak Tunneling (II) limit When the point contact is pinched off, θρ,σ are effectively pinned, and a theory can be developed in terms of electron tunneling process across the point contact. This theory is most conveniently expressed in terms of the dis˜ continuity θσ,ρ ≡ ϕright − ϕleft across the junction31 . The σ,ρ σ,ρ theory takes the form SII = ∆(ve ) = (gρ + gσ )/2 = (g + g −1 )/2 ∆(vρ ) = 2gρ = 2g (2.23) 1 β α,ωn gα ˜ |ωn ||θa (ωn )|2 − 2π β 0 dτ ˜ ˜ VII (θσ , θρ ), τc (2.26) with ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ VII = te cos(θρ + ηρ ) cos θσ + tρ cos 2θρ + tσ cos 2θσ . (2.27) As depicted in Fig. 2(d,e,f) te represents the tunneling of a single electron from left to right across the junction. 7 tσ describes the transfer of a unit of spin across the junction. tρ describes the tunneling of a pair of electrons with opposite spins. The relationship between SII and SCC can be understood in two ways. First, since both SII and SCC describe tunneling between the middles of two disconnected Luttinger liquids (either on the top and bottom of the junction or the left and right) the two theories are identical. It is straightforward to see that if we make the identification ˜ θρ ↔ θσ ˜ θσ ↔ θρ 2π tσ Using this identification, the scaling dimensions ∆(tα ) can be read off from Eq. 2.22. Thus, like the CC phase, the II phase is stable when 1/2 < g < 2. The low temperature conductance can also be read from (2.23), (2.24) and (2.25) using the identification GXX ↔ GY Y . (2.31) Another way to understand this duality, which will prove useful below, is to consider an instanton expansion for strong coupling. For large ve (θρ , θσ ) will be tightly bound at the minima of V (θρ , θσ ), shown in Fig. 3(a). (Here we assume for simplicity ηρ = 0.) The partition function describing the path integral of (2.19) can then be expanded in instanton processes, in which (θρ , θσ ) switches between nearby minima at discrete times. Evaluating the first term in (2.19) for a configuration of instantons leads to an interaction between the instantons which depends logarithmically on time. The expansion describes the partition function for a one dimensional “Coulomb gas”, where the “charges” correspond to the tunneling events. This Coulomb gas has exactly the same form as the expansion of (2.26) in powers of te , tρ and tσ . Thus, we can identify te , tρ and tσ as the fugacity of the instantons. This duality argument also works in reverse. Starting from (2.26) we can derive (2.19) by considering large ˜ ˜ te and expanding in instantons in θρ and θσ connecting minima in Fig. 3(b), which have fugacities ve , vρ and vσ . 3. Charge Insulator/Spin Conductor (IC) We next study the mixed charge insulator spin conductor phase. To generate the effective action for this vρ (b) θσ 2π ∼ tρ Thus, the “small v” and “small t” theories are dual to each other, with the identification ∼ θσ ∼ θρ θρ 2π (c) ∼ θρ ve 2π (a) (2.29) (2.30) vσ tρ (2.28) g ↔ g −1 . θρ te 2π ve ↔ te vρ ↔ tσ vσ ↔ tρ 2π ∼ θσ 2π it follows that SII (gρ , gσ , te , tρ , tσ ) = SCC (gσ , gρ , ve , vσ , vρ ). θσ τz=-1 τz=1 ∼ τx=-1 vσ 2π τx=1 (d) FIG. 3: (a) Positions of the minima of V (θρ , θσ ) in Eq. 2.20. When the minima are deep instanton tunneling events between the minima, denoted by te , tρ and tσ correspond to the transfer of charge and spin across the junction, and define the dual theory (2.26,2.27). (b) Positions of the minima ˜ ˜ of V (θρ , θσ ) in the dual theory (2.26,2.27). Instanton process ve , vρ and vσ correspond to backscattering of charge and spin in the original theory. (c) The IC phase viewed from the CC limit. When vρ is large and vσ = 0, the minima of V (θρ , θσ ) in Eq. 2.20 are on one dimensional valleys, and define the IC phase. When vσ is small but finite the valleys have a periodic potential vσ τ z cos θσ , with opposite signs τ z = ±1 in ˜ neighboring valleys. Instanton tunneling processes between ˜ the valleys, denoted tρ , switch the sign of τ z . (d) The IC phase viewed from the II limit, in which tρ = 0 and tσ is ˜ ˜ large. The valleys have periodic potential tρ τ x cos θρ with τ x = ±1, whose sign is switched by instanton processes vσ . ˜ phase, including the leading relevant operators it is useful to use the instanton analysis discussed at the end of the previous section. Consider (2.26,2.27) for large vρ , keeping ve and vσ small. θρ will be pinned in the minima of − cos 2θρ , θρ = nπ, while θσ remains free to fluctuate. (θρ , θσ ) are thus confined to “valleys” along the vertical lines in Fig. 3(c). There are two types of perturbations to be considered. First, ve will lead to a periodic potential along the vertical lines, with minima at the dots. Note, however, that on alternate lines the sign of the periodic potential changes, since cos θρ cos θσ ∼ (−1)n cos θσ for θρ = nπ. Next consider an instanton process where θρ tunnels between neighboring valleys. In this process, θρ → θρ ±π, but θσ is unchanged. It follows that the ve perturbation discussed above changes sign. Thus, the instanton pro- 8 cess does not commute with the ve term. The expansion of the partition function in both instantons and ve can be generated by the action for the IC 1 0 phase give by SIC = SIC + SIC with 0 SIC 1 = β ωn 1 gρ ˜ |ωn ||θσ (ωn )|2 , |ωn ||θρ (ωn )|2 + 2π 2πgσ (2.32) and 1 SIC = β 0 dτ ˜ x ˜ tρ τ cos θρ + vσ τ z cos θσ . ˜ τc As in section the corrections to GXY will depend on a higher order irrelevant operator. For instance, ˜ ˜ λ1 τ y sin θρ sin θσ and λ2 τ y cos θρ cos θσ lead to δGXY = d3 λ1 λ2 T 2g 4. 0 SCI = 1 β (2.38) and β dτ ˜ z ˜ tσ τ cos(θσ + ησ ) + vρ τ x cos(θρ + ηρ ) . ˜ 0 τc (2.39) The leading relevant operators have dimensions 1 SCI = g 1 = 2gσ 2 g gρ = . ∆(˜ρ ) = v 2 2 ˜ ∆(tσ ) = (2.35) This, however, does not mean that the full four terminal conductance is zero because spin conservation still requires GZZ = 2e2 /h. This leads to the non trivial structure in the four terminal conductance predicted in Ref. 10. At finite temperature, there will be corrections to the conductance. We find −2 −1 −2 (2.40) This phase is thus stable when g > 2 and has conductance 5. GXX = GY Y = GXY = 0. δGY Y = d2 vσ T g ˜2 ωn 1 gσ ˜ |ωn ||θρ (ωn )|2 |ωn ||θσ (ωn )|2 + 2π 2πgρ (2.41) (2.34) Thus, the IC phase is stable when g < 1/2. In section III.D we will require the renormalization ˜ group flow to third order in tρ and vσ . There, the non ˜ trivial interaction between them introduced by the pseudospin will play a crucial role. The conductivity at the IC fixed point is given by −1 (2.37) For g > 2 the perturbation vσ cos 2θσ in (2.20) becomes relevant and drives the system to the CI phase. This may be described in a manner similar to the IC phase. It is 0 1 described by the action SCI = SCI + SCI with GXX = GY Y = 2e2 /h GXY = 0. 1 1 = 2gρ 2g gσ 1 ∆(˜σ ) = v = . 2 2g . Charge conductor/Spin insulator (CI) ˜ ∆(tρ ) = ˜ρ δGXX = d1 t2 T g −2 As in (2.25), GXY is suppressed more strongly at low temperature than GXX and GY Y , and the exponent is larger than 2 for g < 1/2. (2.33) ˜ Here tρ describes the instanton tunneling process. The tilde distinguishes it from the ordinary charge tunneling ˜ process, which involves charge 2e. tρ describes a tunneling of charge e without spin. vσ describes the periodic ˜ potential as a function of θσ generated by ve . We have introduced a pseudo spin degree of freedom τ z = ±1 to account for the sign of cos θρ in the different valleys. Since the instanton process switches the sign, it is associated with τ x . Expanding the partition function defined ˜ by (2.32,2.33) in powers of tρ and vσ precisely generates ˜ the expansion of (2.19,2.20) in instantons. It is also instructive to derive (2.32,2.33) starting from the opposite limit of the II phase described by (2.26,2.27). In this case, consider large tσ , which leads to the horizon˜ ˜ tal valleys as a function of θρ and θσ in Fig. 3(d). The ˜ roles of the two terms in (2.33) are thus reversed. tρ describes the periodic potential along the valleys, which has a sign specified by τ x = ±1. vσ describes the instanton ˜ processes which switch the sign of τ x . The lowest order renormalization group flows depend ˜ only on the scaling dimensions of tρ and vσ , and are un˜ x,z affected by the pseudospin τ . We find −1 . (2.36) Spin orbit interactions, and the T-Breaking Insulator In this section we consider the role of spin orbit interaction terms which violate the conservation of spin Sz , but respect time reversal symmetry. We will argue that such terms are irrelevant for the critical behavior of the point contact when g > 1/2, but they are relevant for g < 1/2 and drive the system at low energy to a time reversal symmetry breaking insulator (TBI). Time reversal symmetry allows the following terms in the expansion about the CC fixed point (2.19). β dτ [vso cos ϕσ sin θσ + vsf cos(2ϕσ + ηsf )] . 0 τc (2.42) † The first term is a single electron process ψR↑ ψR↓ (Fig. 4(a)) in which an electron flips its spin and crosses the junction. The second term is a correlated tunneling pro† † cess ψR↑ ψL↑ ψR↓ ψL↓ (Fig. 4(b)), where a left and right SO SCC = 9 moving pair of up spins flip into a left and right moving pair of down spins. Referring to Table I, it is clear that both terms respect time reversal symmetry. ηsf is allowed by time reversal symmetry, but violates both mirrors Mx and My . Higher order processes are also possible, though they will be less relevant perturbatively. It is straightforward to determine the scaling dimensions of these perturbations. We find, 1 1 −1 (gσ + gσ ) = (g + g −1 ) 2 2 2 ∆(vsf ) = = 2g. gσ (a) vso (b) vsf or FIG. 4: Tunneling processes in the CC limit allowed by spin nonconserving spin orbit interactions. vso is a single particle process where a single spin is flipped, while vsf is a two particle process, flipping two spins. ∆(vso ) = (2.43) For g = 1 the single particle spin orbit term, vso is always irrelevant. However, vsf becomes relevant when g < 1/2. At finite temperature these lead to corrections to the conductance of the CC phase. To lowest order they do not affect GXX , GXY and GY Y . However we find √ −1 T g+g −2 g > 1/ 3 √ δGZZ ∝ (2.44) T 4g−2 g < 1/ 3 Like GXY , GZX and GZY are zero unless higher order irrelevant operators, which involve extra powers of ∂x ϕα or ∂x θα , are included. We find δGZX ∝ T 2g δGZY ∝ T g+g−1 (2.45) . For weak interactions, g ∼ 1 these conductances vanish for T → 0 as T 2 . For g < 1/2 there are two relevant perturbations about the CC limit. To study their effects we consider a model in which only the relevant perturbations appear. Since these perturbations involve the commuting operators ϕσ and θρ , it is useful to study the 0 + 1 dimensional field theory of those variables 0 SCC = ωn 1 gσ |ωn ||θρ (ωn )|2 + |ωn ||ϕσ (ωn )|2 , 2πgρ 2π (2.46) with β dτ [vρ cos(2θρ + ηρ ) + vsf cos(2ϕσ + ηsf )] . 0 τc (2.47) The low temperature behavior of this theory can be studied by the duality arguments of section II.B.2. When vρ and vsf are both large, (θρ , ϕσ ) will be stuck in the deep minima of VCC (θρ , ϕσ ) shown in Fig. 5. In this phase, the four terminal conductance is zero, 1 SCC = GAB = 0. (2.48) This can be seen most simply by renaming the variables θρ ϕσ ϕρ θσ → → → → θ1 + θ2 θ1 − θ2 ϕ1 + ϕ2 ϕ1 − ϕ2 . 2π ∼ tρ (2.49) ∼ tσ ϕσ θρ te 2π FIG. 5: Minima of the potential V (θρ , ϕσ ) in 2.47. Large vρ and vso define the time reversal breaking insulating phase. ˜ ˜ Instanton processes tρ and tσ restore time reversal invariance. They correspond to tunneling of spinless chargons or chargeless spinons. The interpretation of θ1(2) and ϕ1(2) is simple. They are the usual Luttinger liquid charge and phase variables for the top (bottom) edges in Fig. 2(a,b,c). In the strong coupling phase θ1 and θ2 are both pinned, so that any current flowing in from any lead is perfectly reflected back into that lead. The four leads are completely decoupled. This is the same perfectly reflecting phase that would arise if we had a single particle backscattering term on each edge vback (cos 2θ1 + cos 2θ2 ) = 2vback cos θρ cos ϕσ , which would be relevant for g < 1. However in our problem that term is forbidden by time reversal symmetry. It is thus clear that time reversal symmetry is violated by the strong coupling fixed point. It is useful to see this from Fig. 5. Note that since under time reversal ϕσ → ϕσ + π. Thus pinning ϕσ violates time reversal. There are two sets of minima of V (θρ , ϕσ ) which are interchanged by the time reversal operation. At finite temperature tunneling processes between the two sets of minima of V (θρ , ϕσ ) will restore time reversal symmetry. These instanton processes correspond to tunneling of charge from one lead to another. Interestingly, ˜ ˜ the lowest order instanton processes, denoted tρ and tσ do not correspond to tunneling of electrons, but rather spinless charge e “chargons”, or charge neutral “spinons”. The scaling dimensions of these instanton processes can be deduced from (2.46,2.47). We find ˜ ∆(tρ ) = 1 1 = 2gρ 2g 10 ˜ ∆(tσ ) = 1 gσ = . 2 2g (2.50) Thus, both processes are irrelevant for g < 1/2, and the TBI phase is stable. These processes lead to power law temperature behavior, ˜ρ δGXX = c1 t2 T 1/g−2 ˜σ δGY Y = c1 t2 T 1/g−2 . (2.51) ˜ When the tρ,σ processes dominate, there will be non ˜ trivial noise correlations in the current. The tρ process involves transferring charge e/2 from lead 1 to lead 2 and another e/2 from lead 4 to lead 3. This leads to correlations in the low frequency noise defined by Sij (ω) = dteiωt Ii (t)Ij (0) + Ij (0)Ii (t) . (2.52) Consider the two terminal geometry IX = GXX VX . The ˜ current IX will be carried by the tρ processes, so that I1 = I4 = IX /2. The shot noise correlations in the limit ω → 0 will be S11 = S44 = S14 = S41 = 2e∗ I1 (2.53) with e∗ = e/2. Thus, the currents are all perfectly correlated, and the current in each lead is carried by fractional charges, e/2. III. CRITICAL BEHAVIOR OF CONDUCTANCE In this section we describe the critical behavior of the conductance at the pinch-off transition of the point contact. We will compute the critical conductance G∗ , the g critical exponent αg and the scaling function Gg (X) in certain solvable limits. We will begin in section IIIA with a discussion of the general properties of the scaling function and a summary of our calculated results. Then in the following sections we will√ describe in detail our calculations for g = 1 − ǫ, g = 1/ 3 and g = 1/2 + ǫ. A. Scaling behavior and summary of results The stability analysis of the previous sections leads to the phase diagram as a function of g depicted in Fig. 6(a). The top line depicts the CC phase and the bottom line depicts the II phase, and the arrows denote the stability associated with the leading relevant operators. Since the II and CC phases are both stable for 1/2 < g < 2 they are separated by an intermediate unstable fixed point P, denoted by the dashed central line. For g < 1/2 the II and CC phases become unstable, and when spin is conserved the flow is toward the IC phase. We will see in section III.D that the unstable critical fixed point matches smoothly onto the IC fixed point at g = 1/2. Similarly, the CI fixed point is stable for g > 2, and connects to the critical fixed point at g = 2. For 1/2 < g < 2 the unstable intermediate fixed point P describes the critical behavior of the pinch-off transition of the point contact. We will argue that this fixed point is characterized by a single relevant operator, which allows us to formulate a single parameter scaling theory for the pinch-off transition. If we denote u as the relevant operator, then the leading order renormalization group flow near the fixed point has the form, du/dℓ = αg u, (3.1) where αg is a critical exponent to be determined. By varying a gate voltage VG it is possible to cross from the region of stability of the II phase to the region of stability of the CC phase. In the process one must pass ∗ through the fixed point u = 0 at VG = VG . Near the ∗ transition, we thus have u ∝ ∆VG = VG − VG . Under a renormalization group transformation in which energies length and time are rescaled by b, we have u → ubαg and T → T b. Invariance under this transformations requires that physical quantities can only depend on u and T in the combination u/T αg . Close to the transition we thus have lim T,∆VG →0 GAB (T, ∆VG ) = 2 e2 ∆VG Gg,AB (c αg ), h T (3.2) where c is a nonuniversal constant and Gg,AB is a universal crossover scaling function which varies between 0 and 1. We will argue that the critical point characterizing the pinch-off transition has emergent spin conservation as well as mirror symmetry, so that the only nonzero elements of the conductance matrix are GXX and GY Y . Moreover, the duality considerations discussed in section III.C require that Gg,Y Y (X) and Gg,XX (X) are related, so that they are both determined by the same universal scaling function, Gg,XX (X) = Gg (X), Gg,Y Y (X) = Gg (−X). (3.3) The scaling function Gg (X) has some general properties which are easy do deduce. First, the equivalence between the CC theory at g with the II theory at 1/g leads to the relation G1/g (X) = 1 − Gg (−X). (3.4) Second, when T → 0 for fixed ∆VG the system flows to either the CC or the II phase, where the temperature dependence of the conductance is given by (2.24). The behavior of the scaling function for large X then follows, + Gg (X → +∞) = 1 − a+ X −βg g Gg (X → −∞) = a− X −βg . g − (3.5) 11 CC ~ t P In the following sections we compute properties of the √ scaling function at g = 1 − ǫ, g = 1/ 3 and g = 1/2 + ǫ. From (3.4) √ can deduce corresponding results at g = we 1 + ǫ, g = 3 and g = 2 − ǫ. First consider the critical conductance G∗ = Gg (X = 0). We find, g CC P v (a) IC CI ~ v t II   1/2 + O(ǫ3 ) g = 1 − ǫ  √ √ ∗ Gg = ( 3 − 1)/2 g = 1/ 3  2 π ǫ g = 1/2 + ǫ. II 1/2 1 2 g G*g 1 (b) 3− 3 2 3 −1 2 1/2 1/2 1/ 3 1 3 2 αg (c) .10 .05 1 3 2 g FIG. 6: (a) Phase diagram for a point contact in a QSHI as a function of the Luttinger liquid parameter g. The arrows indicate the stability of the CC, II, CI and IC phases, as well as the critical fixed point P. This figure assumes spin conservation. In the presence of spin orbit interactions, the IC phase is unstable for g < 1/2. This leads to the TBI phase discussed in section II.B.5. (b) Conductance G∗ of the critical fixed point as a function of g. The curve is a fit, which incorporates the data in (3.7). (c) Critical exponent αg as a function of g. The curve is a fit incorporating the data in (3.8). g is plotted on a log scale in all three panels to emphasize the g ↔ 1/g symmetry. a± g The coefficients depend on the normalization of X, ′ but can be fixed if we specify Gg (X = 0) = 1/2. The exponents obey the relations + βg = √ (4g − 2)/αg 1/2 < g < 1/ 3 √ (g + g −1 − 2)/αg 1/ 3 < g < 1 − βg = (g + g −1 − 2)/αg 1/2 < g < 1. ǫ2 /2 g = 1 − ǫ 4ǫ g = 1/2 + ǫ. (3.8) These results are summarized in Fig 6(c). The curve is a polynomial fit of α(log g). It is suggestive that in this √ fit αg exhibits a maximum near g = 1/ 3 with a value α1/√3 = .123 ∼ 1/8. It is possible, however, that αg √ exhibits a cusp at g = 1/ 3 analogous to the behavior of βg in (3.6). In sections III.C and III.D we compute the full scaling function Gg (X) in the limits g = 1 − ǫ and g = 1/2 + ǫ to lowest order in ǫ. For g = 1 + ǫ, ǫ → 0 we find .15 1/2 1/ 3 These results are summarized in Fig. 6(b). The curve is a polynomial fit of G∗ (log g) which incorporates the data in Eq. (3.7) and the g ↔ 1/g symmetry. It is satisfying that the curve is smooth and monotonic, which indicates a consistency between the slopes at g = 1/2, 1 and the √ value at g = 1/ 3. We are able to deduce the critical exponent αg for g = 1 − ǫ and g = 1/2 + ǫ. We find αg = g (3.7) (3.6) ± The behavior of βg for 1 < g < 2 can be deduced using (3.4). G1 (X) = 1 2 X 1+ √ 1 + X2 . (3.9) For g = 1/2 + ǫ, ǫ → 0 G1/2 (X) = θ(X) X . 1+X (3.10) The singular behavior near X = 0 in (3.10) is rounded for finite ǫ. The perturbative analysis in Section III.D.1 shows that for |X| ≪ 1 G1/2+ǫ (X) = X . 1 − e−X/(π2 ǫ) (3.11) G1−ǫ (X) and G1/2+ǫ (X) are plotted in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b). For g close to 1 the pinch-off curve is symmetrical about G∗ = e2 /h. However, for stronger repulsive interactions it becomes asymmetrical, as G∗ is reduced, approaching 0 at g = 1/2. The asymptotic |X| → ∞ behavior (3.5) of G1 (X) and G1/2+ǫ can also be determined from (3.9,3.10), though a separate calculation (see III.D.3) is required for G1/2+ǫ (X → −∞). The results, which are consistent with (3.6) are shown in Table II. 12 (a) G1−ε(X) 1 G*=1/2 X 0 (b) G1/2+ε(X) 1 G*= π2 ε X 0 FIG. 7: The universal scaling function Gg (X) for (a) g = 1 − ǫ (Eq. 3.9) and (b) g = 1/2 + ǫ (Eq. 3.10). In (b) the solid line is ǫ → 0, and the dashed line shows the approximate behavior for ǫ ∼ .02. + − g βg a+ βg a− g g 1 − ǫ 2 1/4 2 1/4 1/2 + ǫ 1 1 1/(8ǫ) (2.75)1/(8ǫ) TABLE II: Parameters in Eq. 3.5 for the asymptotic behavior of the scaling function Gg (X) in the solvable limits g → 1, g → 1/2. B. Quantum Brownian Motion Model, Duality and √ g = 1/ 3 In this section we recast the Luttinger liquid model as a model of QBM in a periodic potential. This mapping elucidates the duality between the CC and II limits and √ exposes an extra symmetry the problem at g = 1/ 3 which allows us to deduce the critical conductance at that point. We begin with a brief review of the QBM model and then derive its consequences for the scaling function Gg (X) and G∗ √3 . 1/ 1. Quantum Brownian Motion Model The QBM model28,29,30 was originally formulated as a theory of the motion of a heavy particle coupled to an Ohmic dissipative environment modeled as a set of Caldeira Leggett oscillators32. Though the applicability of this model to the motion of a real particle coupled to phonons or electron-hole pairs has been questioned33,34 , it was later shown that this model is directly relevant to quantum impurity problems. Specifically, the QBM model in a one dimensional periodic potential is equivalent to the theory of a weak link in a single channel Luttinger liquid16,18 . In this mapping the QBM takes place in an abstract space where the “coordinate” of the “particle” is the number of electrons that have tunneled past the weak link. The periodic potential is due to the discreteness of the electron’s charge. The low energy excitations of the Luttinger liquid play the role of the dissipative bath, and the strength of the dissipation is related to the Luttinger liquid parameter g. The one dimensional QBM model has two phases: a localized phase with conductance G = 0 stable for g < 1 and a fully coherent phase with perfect conductance stable for g > 1. The SLL model corresponds to a QBM model in a two dimensional periodic potential, where the “coordinates” are the spin and charge variables θρ,σ . This model is richer than its one dimensional counterpart because it admits additional fixed points which are intermediate between localized and perfect. These fixed points were first found in the Luttinger liquid model15,16 , and later formulated in terms of the QBM25 . For certain values of gρ and gσ these intermediate fixed points are related to the 3 channel Kondo problem25 and the 3 state Potts models24 . However, those limits are not directly applicable to the QSHI model, where gρ = 1/gσ = g. We will show that √ when g = 1/ 3 the critical fixed point of the QSHI point contact corresponds to the intermediate point discussed in Ref. 25 for a QBM model on a triangular lattice. To formulate the QBM model we begin with the action (2.19) and define new rescaled variables, θα = π 2gα rα . (3.12) Then (2.19) takes the form, S= 1 4πβ n |ωn ||r(ωn )|2 − dτ τc vG e2πiG·r(τ ) . G (3.13) The periodic potential is characterized by reciprocal lattice vectors G = m1 b1 + m2 b2 . The primitive reciprocal lattice vectors b1,2 correspond to the single electron back scattering processes, and are given by 1 √ √ b1 = √ ( gρ , gσ ); 2 1 √ √ b2 = √ ( gρ , − gσ ). (3.14) 2 The Fourier components of the periodic potential are vb1 = vb2 = ve eiηρ /4, vb1 +b2 = vρ /2 and vb1 −b2 = vσ /2. The dual theory is obtained by expanding the partition function for large vG in powers of instantons. When vG is large, the potential has minima on a real space lattice R = n1 a1 + n2 a2 . The primitive lattice vectors satisfy ai · bj = δij and are given by 1 1 1 a1 = √ ( √ , √ ); gσ 2 gρ 1 1 1 a2 = √ ( √ , − √ ). (3.15) gσ 2 gρ 13 rσ because it provides evidence that the critical fixed point has emergent mirror and spin conservation symmetry. When gρ = 1/2 + ǫρ and gσ = 3/2 + ǫσ the period potential has triangular symmetry, which is slightly distorted if ǫσ = 3ǫρ . If we denote the relevant variables as v1 = vb1 = vb2 = ve eiηρ /4 and v2 = vb1 +b2 = vρ /2, the second order renormalization group flow equations are16 (a) tρ 1/ 2gσ a1 a2 te rρ 1/ 2gρ 1 ∗ (ǫρ + ǫσ )v1 − 2v1 v2 2 2 dv2 /dℓ = 2ǫρ v2 − 2v1 . dv1 /dℓ = tσ te kσ (b) gσ/2 vσ kρ b1 b2 vρ ve gρ/2 ve FIG. 8: (a) Minimia of the periodic potential V (r) in (3.13). (b) Minima of V (k) in the dual theory (3.16). When gσ = 3gρ both periodic potentials have triangular symmetry at the critical point, which implies the mobility µ∗ is isotropic. This αβ √ occurs at g = 1/ 3. The expansion in instantons connecting these minima is generated by the action 1 4πβ dτ tR e2πiR·k(τ ) . τc n R (3.16) ˜ This is equivalent to (2.26,2.27) with kα = π gα /2θα and ta1 = ta2 = te eiηρ /4, ta1 +a2 = tρ /2, ta1 −a2 = tσ /2. With the above normalizations for r and k the scaling dimensions of the potential perturbations are S= |ωn ||k(ωn )|2 − ∆(vG ) = |G|2 ; ∆(tR ) = |R|2 . (3.17) Since operators are relevant when ∆ < 1, the most relevant potentials are those with the smallest lattice (reciprocal lattice) vectors |Rmin | (|Gmin |). As shown in Refs. 16 and 25 there are ranges of gρ and gσ where both |Rmin | and |Gmin | > 1, so that both phases are perturbatively stable. An unstable intermediate fixed point must therefore be present between them. This fixed point can be accessed perturbatively when |Rmin | and |Gmin | are close to 1. While this does not occur in the regime gρ = 1/gσ relevant to the QSHI problem, it is instructive to study this perturbation theory (3.18) These equations describe an intermediate fixed point with a single unstable direction at v1 = ǫρ (ǫρ + ǫσ )/2 and v2 = (ǫρ + ǫσ )/4. Note that at the critical point v1 is real, so that ηρ = 0. Thus the critical point has an emergent mirror symmetry even if the bare parameters in the model do not. Moreover, the flow out of the fixed point along the single unstable direction is also along a line with v1 real. Thus the crossover between the intermediate fixed point and the trivial fixed point, which determines the crossover scaling function also has emergent mirror symmetry. Mirror symmetry breaking is an irrelevant perturbation at the critical fixed point. If ǫσ = 3ǫρ then the lattice vectors have a triangular symmetry. In this case, the fixed point is at v1 = v2 = ǫρ . This means that the periodic potential at the fixed point has emergent triangular symmetry, even when the bare potential does not. The unstable flow out of the fixed point is also along the high symmetry line v1 = v2 . It seems quite likely that the critical fixed point and unstable flows connecting it to the trivial fixed points retain their high symmetry even outside the perturbative small ǫ regime. This suggests that in general the critical √ fixed point has mirror symmetry, and that at g = 1/ 3 it has triangular symmetry. We will use this fact below √ to determine the critical conductance at g = 1/ 3. 2. Kubo conductance, mobility and duality relations The spin and charge conductances in the Luttinger liquid model computed by the Kubo formula are given by a retarded current-current correlation function. For the present discussion it is useful to write this as an imaginary time correlation function, which can be analytically continued to real time via iω → ω + iη before taking the ω → 0 limit. Then GK (iωn ) = αβ 1 |ωn | dτ eiωn τ Jα (τ )Jβ (0) , (3.19) where the spin and charge currents are Jα = e∂t θα /π = e[θ, H]/(iπ ). This may be expressed as GK (ωn ) = 2 αβ e2 √ gα gβ µαβ (ωn ), h (3.20) where the mobility of the QBM model is µαβ (ωn ) = 2π|ωn | rα (−ωn )rβ (ωn ) . (3.21) 14 µαβ is normalized so that when vG = 0 µαβ = δαβ . The conductance – or equivalently µαβ can also be computed from the dual model. It is given by µαβ = δαβ − µαβ , ˜ (3.22) where the dual mobility is µαβ (ωn ) = 2π|ωn | kα (−ωn )kβ (ωn ) . ˜ (3.23) (3.22,3.23) are obvious in the perfectly transmitting and perfectly reflecting limits. They can be derived more generally by starting with a Hamiltonian formulation of the action, analogous to (2.13), which involves both r and k. µαβ can then be computed either by first integrating out k to obtain (3.21) or first integrating out r to obtain (3.23). Since gρ = 1/gσ = g, the dual theory depicted in Fig. 8(b) is identical to the original theory shown in Fig. 8(a) with the identification rρ ↔ kσ , rσ ↔ kρ . It follows that the mobility µ∗ of the fixed point satisfies αβ µ∗ = [σ x µ∗ σ x ]αβ . ˜ αβ (3.24) In addition, if u parameterizes the relevant direction at the critical fixed point, then under the duality u → −u. It follows that slightly away from the critical fixed point we have µαβ (u) = [σ x µ(−u)σ x ]αβ . ˜ (3.25) Properties (3.22) and (3.25) imply that µρρ (u) = 1 − µσσ (−u). Using (3.2,3.20,A15), this leads directly to the property (3.3) of the crossover scaling function. An additional set of relations follows from the equivalence between the theory characterized by g and the dual theory characterized by 1/g. From this we conclude that µg,αβ (u) = µ1/g,αβ (u). ˜ (3.26) This, combined with (3.2,3.20,3.22,A15)) leads to (3.4). It is well known that the physical conductance measured with leads is not given by the Kubo conductance35,36,37,38,39 . Rather, the Kubo conductance needs to be modified to account for the contact resistance between the Luttinger liquid and the leads. In appendix A we review the relation between the physical four terminal conductance and the Kubo conductance. From (A19) we conclude that √ e2 GXX = GY Y = ( 3 − 1) . h C. (3.30) Weak interactions : g = 1 − ǫ In this section we develop a perturbative expansion for weak interactions to compute exactly the crossover scaling function Gg (X) as well as the critical exponent αg for g = 1 − ǫ. A similar approach was employed by Matveev, Yue and Glazman27 to compute the scaling function for the crossover between the weak barrier and strong barrier limits in a single channel Luttinger liquid. In the single channel problem the transmission for non interacting electrons is characterized by a transmission probability T . Weak forward scattering interactions lead to an exchange correction to T at first order in the interactions. This correction diverges for E → EF as log |E − EF |. Matveev, Yue and Glazman27 used a renormalization group argument to sum the log divergent corrections to all orders, to obtain the exact transmission T (E). For non interacting electrons, the QSHI point contact is characterized by a 4 × 4 scattering matrix Sij which relates the incoming wave in lead i to the outgoing wave in lead j, |ψi,out = Sij |ψj,in . (3.31) In terms of Sij the four terminal conductance is 3. √ Conductance at g = 1/ 3. Gij = √ When g = 1/ 3 the lattice generated by b1 and b2 has triangular symmetry. In section III.B.1 we argued that this means that at the critical fixed point the periodic potential also has triangular symmetry. The C6 rotational symmetry of the triangular lattice requires that the mobility is isotropic: µαβ = µ0 δαβ . (3.27) Combining (3.22), (3.24), and (3.27) requires that µ0 = 1 . 2 (3.28) It follows from (3.20) that the Kubo formula spin and charge conductances are given by GK = ρρ √ e2 3 ; h 1 e2 GK = √ . σσ 3 h (3.29) e2 (δij − |Sij |2 ). h (3.32) Under time reversal Θ|ψi,out(in) = +(−)Qij |ψj,in(out) , where Q = diag(1, −1, 1, −1). This leads to the constraint S = −QS T Q. This combined with unitarity S † S = 1 allows S to be parameterized as   0 t f r    t 0 r∗ −f ∗  S = U†  (3.33)  U,  −f r∗ 0 −t∗  r f ∗ −t∗ 0 where Uij = δij eiχi is an unimportant gauge transformation. The complex numbers t and r describe the amplitudes for spin conserving transmission and reflection across the point contact, while f describes the amplitude for tunneling across the junction, combined with a spin flip. f = 0 if spin is conserved. The conductance 15 can be expressed in terms of the transmission probabilities R = |r|2 , T = |t|2 and F = |f |2 , which satisfy R + T + F = 1. We find 2e2 (T + F ) h 2e2 (R + F ) = h 2e2 (1 − F ) = h = 0 for A = B. (a) k,out GXX = GY Y GZZ GAB (3.34) (3.35) where Tτ denotes imaginary time ordering. For non interacting electrons we have  ∗  Sji δij 1  z−z ′ z−¯′  z Gij (z, z ′ ) = (3.36)  S δij  . ij 2πi z −z ′ z −¯′ ¯ ¯ z where z = τ + ix and z = τ − ix, and the a =in/out ¯ indices are displayed in matrix form. We now compute the perturbative corrections to Gout,in using the standard diagrammatic technique. For ij simplicity, we adopt a model in which u4 = 0, so that † † the only interaction term involves u2 (ψin ψin )(ψout ψout ). This considerably simplifies the analysis because many of the diagrams are zero. For instance, the exchange diagram shown in Fig. 9(a), which was responsible for the renormalization in the single channel Luttinger liquid problem is zero because it must involve Gin,out. This kk off diagonal Green’s function depends on Skk which is zero due to the time reversal symmetry constraint. From (2.9), g = (2πvF − λ2 )/(2πvF + λ2 ) ∼ 1 − λ2 /(2πvF ). Thus for g = 1 − ǫ we may replace u2 by 2πvF ǫ. The nonzero diagrams at second order in u2 are shown in i,in (d) j,out k,in k,out l,out k,in j,out k,in k,out For a generic four terminal conductance device time reversal symmetry guarantees only the reciprocity relation42 Gij = Gji , (or equivalently GAB = GBA ). For the QSHI point contact, the spin filtered nature of the edge states leads to additional constraints. First, the amplitude for an electron to be reflected back into the lead it came from is Sii = 0. Thus Gii = e2 /h. A second less obvious constraint is that G13 = G24 , which when combined with reciprocity and unitarity is equivalent to G12 = G34 and G14 = G23 . This leads to the vanishing of the skew conductance GXY as well as GXZ and GY Z even when mirror symmetries MX and MY are explicitly violated. This is a property of the non interacting electron model and can be violated with electron electron interactions if the mirror symmetries are absent. In order to compute the renormalization of the S matrix due to interactions it is useful to study the perturbative expansion of the single electron thermal Green’s function, which can be represented as a matrix in the lead indices i, j as well as the channel labels a = in/out. † Gab (x, τ ; x′ , τ ′ ) = −i Tτ [ψi,a (x, τ )ψj,b (x′ , τ ′ )] , ij i,in (b) i,in l,in l,in j,out k,out k,in j,out k,in i,in (c) l,out i,in (e) l,in l,out l,out j,out k,out l,in FIG. 9: Feynman diagrams for the single electron Green’s function. The dashed line is the interaction † † u2 (ψin ψin )(ψout ψout ). The exchange diagram (a) vanishes because it involves Skk , and diagrams (b) and (c) cancel one another. (d) and (e) lead to a logarithmic correction to the S matrix given in (3.38). Fig. 9(b-e). Evaluating the second order diagrams gives a Green’s function of the form Gout,in = ij ′ 1 Sij 2πi z − z ′ ¯ (3.37) with ′ Sij = Sij + Λ ǫ2 ∗ Sij Sji Sji − log 4 E ∗ ∗ Sik Skl Slk Skl Slj , kl (3.38) where Λ are E are ultraviolet and infrared cutoffs respectively. The first term in the brackets was due to the diagram in Fig. 9(d), while the second term was from Fig. 9(e). Diagrams 9(b) and 9(c) cancelled each other. Rescaling the cutoff Λ → Λe−ℓ leads to a renormalization group flow equation for Sij , dSij ǫ2 ∗ Sij Sji Sji − = dℓ 4 ∗ ∗ Sik Skl Slk Skl Slj . (3.39) kl It is useful to rewrite this in terms of the transmission probabilities T , R, F . The renormalization group flow equation then can be written in the form dT /dℓ = ǫ2 T (T − T 2 − R2 − F 2 ) dR/dℓ = ǫ2 R(R − T 2 − R2 − F 2 ) dF /dℓ = ǫ2 F (F − T 2 − R2 − F 2 ). (3.40) The flow diagram as a function of R, T and F is shown in Fig. 10. There are seven fixed points. The bottom corners of the triangle are the stable fixed points at R = 1, T = F = 0 (the II phase) and T = 1, R = F = 0 (the CC phase). The third stable fixed point at the top of the triangle with F = 1, T = R = 0, corresponds to the case 16 F=1 P II R=1 T=R=1/2 We find that the logarithmic renormalization to the S matrix accounts for the only correction to the conductance to linear order in ǫ. In principle one must consider a “RPA like” diagram for the conductance evaluated by the Kubo formula. While this gives a correction for an infinite Luttinger liquid at finite frequency, the correction is zero for a finite Luttinger liquid connected to leads in the ω → 0 limit35,36,37,38 . Since the critical conductance satisfies G∗ = 1−G∗ it follows that G∗ = 1/2+O(ǫ3 ). g 1−ǫ 1/g CC T=1 FIG. 10: Renormalization group flow diagram for the transmission probabilities T , R and F based on (3.40) represented in a ternary plot. The CC, II and P fixed points of interest in this paper, which have F = 0 are on the bottom of the triangle. where an incident electron is transmitted perfectly with a spin flip. This is presumably difficult to access physically. On the edges of the triangle are unstable fixed points describing transitions between the different stable phases. The critical fixed point P of interest in this paper is the one on the bottom of the triangle at R = T = 1/2, F = 0. Note that at this fixed point the spin non conserving spin orbit processes, represented by F are irrelevant. At the center of the triangle, at R = T = F = 1/3 is an unstable fixed point describing a multicritical point. To describe the critical fixed point P and the crossover to the II and CC phases we now specialize to F = 0 and consider the flow equation for the single parameter T characterizing the point contact, dT /dℓ = −ǫ2 T (1 − T )(1 − 2T ). (3.41) D. g = 1/2 is at the boundary where the CC and II phases become unstable and the IC phase becomes stable. We will show that when g = 1/2 + ǫ the critical fixed point describing the transition between the CC and II phases approaches the IC fixed point and can be accessed perturbatively using theory developed in Section II.B.3. In addition, when g = 1/2, the marginal opera˜ ˜ tors vρ cos 2θρ at the CC fixed point and t cos θρ at the IC fixed point can be expressed in terms of fictitious fermion operators. This fermionization process allows the entire crossover between the CC and IC phases to be described using a non interacting fermion Hamiltonian. A similar fermionization procedure can be used to describe the crossover between the II and IC phases, which connect ˜ ˜ the marginal operators vσ cos θσ and tσ cos 2θσ . This will ˜ allow us to compute the full crossover scaling function Gg (X) for g = 1/2 + ǫ. We will begin by discussing the perturbative analysis of the IC fixed point and then go on to describe the fermionization procedure. Eq. 3.41 can be integrated to determine the crossover scaling function. If at ℓ = 0 T = T 0 , then, T (ℓ) = T 0 − 1/2 1 1+ 2 . (T 0 − 1/2)2 + T 0 (1 − T 0 )e−ǫ2 ℓ (3.42) As the gate voltage VG is adjusted through the pinch∗ off transition, T 0 passes through 1/2 at VG = VG , so 0 T − 1/2 ∝ ∆VG . At temperature T we cut off the renormalization group flow at Λe−ℓ ∝ T . The conductance is then given by GXX = 2(e2 /h)T (ℓ = log(Λ/T )). For 2 2 ∆VG , T → 0 we define X = (2T 0 −1)eǫ ℓ/2 ∝ ∆VG /T ǫ /2 and write the conductance in the scaling form, GXX (∆VG , T ) = 2 e2 ∆VG G1−ǫ (c αg ), h T (3.43) where c is a non universal constant, the critical exponent is α1−ǫ = ǫ2 /2, (3.44) and G1−ǫ (X) = X 1 1+ √ . 2 1 + X2 (3.45) g = 1/2 + ǫ 1. Perturbative Analysis The IC fixed point is described by (2.32, 2.33). When ˜ ˜ ˜ g = 1/2 + ǫ the perturbations tρ τ x cos θρ and tσ τ z cos θσ both have scaling dimension ∆ = 1 − 2ǫ, so the IC fixed ˜ point is weakly unstable. When vσ = 0, nonzero tρ is ˜ expected to drive the system to the CC phase, while for ˜ tρ = 0 nonzero vσ will drive the system to the II phase. ˜ ˜ Thus, when both tρ and vσ are non zero there must be ˜ an unstable fixed point which separates the two alternatives. This fixed point can be described by considering the renormalization group flow equations to third order ˜ in vσ and tρ . ˜ ˜ The first order renormalization group equation for tρ ˜ is determined by the scaling dimension ∆(tρ ). The next 2 nonzero term occurs at order tρ vσ . To compute this term it is sufficient to use the theory at ǫ = 0. Consider the third order term in the cumulant expansion of the partition function, when fast degrees of freedom integrated out: 1 2 dτ1 dτ2 { Tτ [Oρ (τ )Oσ (τ1 )Oσ (τ2 )] > 17 − Oρ (τ ) > Tτ [Oσ (τ1 )Oσ (τ2 )] > }. (3.46) ˜ ˜ Here Oρ = (tρ /τc )τ x cos θρ and Oσ = (˜σ /τc )τ z cos θσ . v Tτ indicates time ordering, and · > denotes a trace over degrees of freedom with Λ/b < ω < Λ, and we assume ˜ for simplicity b ≫ 1. Since θρ and θσ are independent and commute with one another the other disconnected terms all cancel. Moreover, the two terms in (3.46) will cancel each other unless the time ordering of the τ x and τ z operators leads to a relative minus sign between them, Tτ [Oρ (τ )Oσ (τ1 )Oσ (τ2 )] > = s± Oρ (τ ) > Tτ [Oσ (τ1 )Oσ (τ2 )] >, (3.47) where s± = sgn(τ − τ1 )(τ − τ2 ). Thus the pseudospin operators in (2.33) play a crucial role in the renormal˜ ization of tρ . Using the fact that Tτ [Oσ (τ1 )Oσ (τ2 )] > = 2 vσ /2(τ1 − τ2 )2 for ǫ = 0 we find that the third order ˜ 2 ˜ ˜ correction to tρ is δ tρ = −tρ vσ log b. This leads to the ˜ renormalization group flow equation for tρ , along with a corresponding equation for vσ , ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜2 dtρ /dℓ = 2ǫtρ − tρ vσ d˜σ /dℓ = 2ǫ˜σ − vσ t2 . v v ˜ ˜ρ (3.49) The Kubo conductance GK at the fixed point can be ρρ computed from (3.19) by identifying the current operator ˜ ˜ Iρ = (tρ /τc ) sin θρ . (3.50) This leads to GK = ρρ 2 e 2 ˜2 π tρ . h (3.51) ˜ρ It is useful to define Tρ = π 2 t2 . We will see in the following section that this can be interpreted as a transmission probability for fictitious free fermions that describe the problem at g = 1/2. In terms of Tρ (noting that Tρ ≪ 1 in this perturbative regime) we may use (A19) to write the physical conductance as GXX = e2 Tρ . h (3.52) ~ vσ 2ε P ~ tρ 2ε IC vρ CC FIG. 11: Renormalization group flow diagram characterizing ˜ the critical fixed point P for g = 1/2 + ǫ. When vσ and tρ ˜ are small, the flows are given by (3.48). On the axis vσ = 0 ˜ the fermionization procedure outlined in section III.D.2 determines the entire crossover between the IC and CC fixed points. A similar theory describes the crossover between the ˜ IC and II fixed points for tρ = 0. where Rσ = π 2 vσ can similarly be interpreted as a re˜2 flection probability for a different fictitious free fermion at g = 1/2. At the critical fixed point Tρ = Rσ = 2π 2 ǫ. Thus, ∗ G∗ XX = GY Y = 2 G∗ XY = 0. e2 2 π ǫ. h (3.54) The behavior away from the critical point can be determined by integrating (3.48). To this end it is helpful to rewrite (3.48) in terms of Tρ and Rσ in the form d(Tρ − Rσ )/dℓ = 4ǫ(Tρ − Rσ ) d log(Tρ /Rσ )/dℓ = (2/π 2 )(Tρ − Rσ ). (3.55) If (Tρ , Rσ ) = (Tρ0 , R0 ) for ℓ = 0, then we find σ Tρ (ℓ) = Rσ (ℓ) = 1− R0 σ 0 Tρ 1− 0 Tρ R0 σ (Tρ0 − R0 )e4ǫℓ σ exp − 0 Tρ −R0 σ 4ǫℓ 2π 2 ǫ (e − 1) (R0 − Tρ0 )e4ǫℓ σ exp − 0 R0 −Tρ σ 4ǫℓ 2π 2 ǫ (e . (3.56) − 1) ∗ At the pinch-off transition VG = VG , R0 = T0 . Thus, T0 − R0 ∝ ∆VG . At temperature T we cut off the renormalization group flow at Λe−ℓ ∝ T . Thus, in the limit ∆VG , T → 0 we define X = (Tρ0 −R0 )e4ǫℓ /2 ∝ ∆VG /T 4ǫ. σ The conductance then has the form e2 ∆VG Gg c αg h T 2 ∆VG e GY Y (∆VG , T ) = 2 Gg −c αg h T GXX (∆VG , T ) = 2 A similar calculation gives GY Y = tσ (3.48) The renormalization group flow diagram is shown in√ Fig. ˜ 11. There is an unstable fixed point P at tρ = vσ = 2ǫ, ˜ with a single relevant operator. P separates the flows ˜ to the CC and II phases for which which tρ or vσ grow. ˜ Note that spin orbit terms such as vso and vsf discussed in Section II.B.5 are irrelevant at P (see Eq. 2.43). This perturbative calculation provides further evidence that P exhibits emergent spin conservation, as well as emergent mirror symmetry. The critical exponent associate with the single relevant operator a P is α1/2+ǫ = 4ǫ. II e2 Rσ , h (3.53) , (3.57) 18 with G1/2+ǫ (X) = X . 1 − e−X/(π2 ǫ) (3.58) This perturbative calculation is only valid when Tρ , Rσ ≪ 1. Thus (3.58) breaks down at low temperature, since as the energy is lowered either Tρ or Rσ grows. (3.58) is valid as long as |X| ≪ 1. Note, however that when ǫ ≪ 1 we have G1/2+ǫ (X) = Xθ(X) when ǫ ≪ X ≪ 1. In this regime, the smaller of T and R has gone to zero. Thus we have Tρ (ℓ) = (Tρ0 − R0 )e4ǫℓ σ Rσ (ℓ) = 0 Tρ (ℓ) = 0 Rσ (ℓ) = (R0 − Tρ0 )e4ǫℓ σ (Tρ0 − R0 ) > 0 σ (R0 − Tρ0 ) > 0, (3.59) σ and the unstable flow is either on the x or y axis of Fig. 11. In the next section we will solve the crossover exactly on these lines. This will allow us to compute the G1/2+ǫ (X) exactly for all X. ˜ ˜ ˜ where ψ = (ψR , ψL )T is a two component fermion operator describing right and left movers. Using the bosonization relation (2.3) we identify 2θρ = φR − φL and vf = πvρ /v. The free fermion problem is solvable and characterized by a transmission probability Tρ = sech2 (vf /v). The free fermion solution therefore connects the CC limit (Tρ = 1) with the IC limit (Tρ = 0). The Kubo conductance GK may be computed with the ρρ ˜ ˜ identification Jρ = ∂t θρ /π = v ψ † σ z ψ, giving GK = ρρ e2 Tρ . h Note that this is the same as (3.52), derived in the opposite limit near the IC fixed point. When vρ is large, ˜ Tρ ≪ 1, and we can identify Tρ = (π tρ )2 . The physical conductance, measured with leads can be determined following the analysis in appendix A. From (A19) we find GXX = 2 e2 Tρ . h 2 − Tρ Fermionization In this subsection we study the crossover between the IC fixed point and the CC and II fixed points for g = 1/2 + ǫ. There are two cases to consider. First, for ∆VG > 0 we will study the crossover between the IC and CC on the horizontal axis of Fig. 11 with vσ = 0. This ˜ problem can be mapped to a single channel one dimensional fermi gas with weak electron electron interactions proportional to ǫ. This allows us to use the method of Matveev, Yue and Glazman27 to compute the crossover scaling functions Gg,XX (X) and Gg,Y Y (X) for X > 0 exactly. For ∆VG < 0 the crossover between the IC and II ˜ fixed points is on the vertical axis of Fig. 11 with tρ = 0. This can be fermionized by introducing a different set of free fermions to compute the scaling functions for X < 0. The latter calculation (which is virtually identical to the former) is unnecessary, however, because we can use (3.3) to deduce the scaling functions for X < 0. We will therefore focus on the IC to CC crossover. The crossover between the IC and the CC fixed points can be described by the action in the CC limit SCC = 1 β n 1 |ωn ||θρ (ωn )|2 + 2πg dτ vρ cos 2θρ . (3.60) vρ ≪ 1 describes the CC phase. When vρ ≫ 1 the dual theory, formulated as in section II.B.3 in terms of instan˜ tons with amplitude tρ , describes the IC phase. When vσ = 0 at the IC fixed point we can safely ignore the ˜ pseudospin, and set τ x = 1. For g = 1/2 this model is equivalent to the bosonized representation of a weak link in a single channel non interacting fermion with weak backscattering. ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ Hf = −iv ψ † ∂x σ z ψ + vf ψ † σ x ψδ(x). (3.61) (3.63) Since vσ = 0 in (3.60), we have GY Y = 0. 2. (3.62) (3.64) For g = 1/2 + ǫ the IC fixed point becomes slightly unstable, while the CC fixed point becomes slightly stable. In this case the free fermion problem includes a weak attractive interaction int ˜† ˜ ˜† ˜ Hf = −uf (ψL ψL )(ψR ψR ), (3.65) with uf = 2πvǫ. This leads to a logarithmic renormalization of Tρ , which drives a crossover to the CC limit. The correction to Tρ occurs at first order in uf , and is due to the exchange diagram, shown in Fig. 9(a). The analysis is exactly the same as that performed by Matveev, Yue and Glazman. As in section III.C the result can be cast in terms of a renormalization group flow equation for Tρ . dTρ /dℓ = 4ǫTρ (1 − Tρ ). (3.66) Integrating (3.66) gives Tρ (ℓ) = Tρ0 e4ǫℓ , 1 + Tρ0 (e4ǫℓ − 1) (3.67) where Tρ0 = Tρ (ℓ = 0). The scaling function for ∆VG > 0 then follows by using the initial condition from (3.59), so that Tρ0 ∝ ∆VG . Then, for ∆VG , T → 0 we define X = Tρ0 e4ǫℓ /2 ∝ ∆VG /T 4ǫ . Using (3.63), (3.64) and (3.67), the conductance has the scaling form for X > 0 X X +1 GY Y,1/2+ǫ (X) = 0. GXX,1/2+ǫ (X) = (3.68) Using (3.3), we may deduce the corresponding behavior for ∆VG < 0 (or X < 0). The scaling function then has the form X . (3.69) G1/2+ǫ (X) = θ(X) X +1 19 Note that for X ≪ 1 G1/2+ǫ (X) = Xθ(X), in agreement with the limiting behavior of (3.58) for X ≫ ǫ. These two expressions can thus be combined to give X , G1/2+ǫ (X) = X + 1 − e−X/(π2 ǫ) (3.70) which reproduces (3.58) when |X| ∼ ǫ ≪ 1 and (3.69) when |X| ≫ ǫ. This function is plotted in Fig. 7(b). Note, however, that this formula does not correctly capture the leading behavior for X < 0 when |X| ≫ ǫ. In particular, it misses the X → −∞ behavior, which (3.5) and (3.6) predict is proportional to |X|−1/(8ǫ) . This regime is analyzed in the following section. 3. (3.71) 0 Hσ = Hσ + vσ τ + eiφ− δ− /π + τ − e−iφ− δ− /π cos θσ ˜ (3.75) where τ ± = τ z ±iτ y . The renormalization of vσ can then ˜ easily be determined for arbitrary δ− . We find ˜ ˜ Hρ = −iv ψ σ ∂x ψ + tf τ ψ σ ψδ(x). x ˜† x (3.72) 0 Hσ is the σ part of (2.13), and we explicitly account Here for the pseudospin τ x . Eq. 3.72 can be rebosonized by first replacing ψ2 (x) → ψ2 (−x), which transforms the non chiral fermions to chiral fermions, eliminating the σ z in the first term, but leaving the second term alone. ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ Then we perform a SU(2) rotation (ψ1 , ψ2 ) → (ψe , ψo ), ˜ which changes σ x in the second term into σ z . ψe(o) describe the even (odd) parity scattering states characterized by scattering phase shifts δe = −δo that specify ˜ ˜ ψe(o) (x > 0) = e2iδe(o) ψe(o) (x < 0). We next bosonize √ ˜ ψe,o → eiφe,o / 2πxc and define φ± = φe ± φo . Then v v (∂x φ+ )2 + (∂x φ− )2 + δ− τ x (∂x φ− )δ(x), 8π 2π (3.73) 2ǫ − δ− π 2 vσ . ˜ (3.76) ˜ ˜ For small tρ , δ− = π tρ , and (3.76) reproduces (3.48). However, (3.76) remains valid to lowest order in ǫ for all Tρ . We now integrate (3.55) to a scale ℓ0 where from (3.56) 2 Tρ (ℓ0 ) = 2X0 and Rσ (ℓ0 ) = 2X0 e−X0 /(π ǫ) is small. 0 0 4ǫℓ0 (Here X0 = (Tρ − Rσ )e /2.) We then use that as an initial value for (3.76), which we integrate assuming Tρ (ℓ) is given by (3.67) and is unaffected by the small Rσ . Expressing (3.67) in terms of (3.74) we have δ− (ℓ) = tan−1 δ− (ℓ0 )e2ǫ(ℓ−ℓ0 ) (3.77) √ where δ− (ℓ0 ) = sin−1 Tρ (ℓ0 ) ∼ 2X0 . As before, we define X = (Tρ0 − R0 )e4ǫℓ /2. We may express GY Y = σ (e2 /h)Rσ with Rσ = π 2 vσ . Integrating (3.76) we then ˜2 find GY Y (X) = 2 e2 Xe−F (X)/ǫ, h (3.78) where 1 F (X) = 2 π and (3.74) δ− can be eliminated from (3.73) by the canonical transformation U = exp[iτ x δ− φ− (x = 0)/(2π)], which shifts φ− → φ− + sgn(x)δ− τ x . This transformation also rotates τ z in (3.71), which becomes Rebosonization 0 Hσ = Hσ + vσ τ z cos θσ ˜ Hρ = Tρ = sin2 δ− . d˜σ v = dℓ We now analyze the leading behavior of G1/2+ǫ (X) for X < 0 and |X| ≫ ǫ when ǫ is small. Equivalently, we consider G1/2+ǫ,Y Y (X) for X > 0. This requires extending the renormalization group flow equation for vσ given ˜ ˜ in (3.48) to all tρ (or equivalently Tρ ). This can be done ˜ ˜ by using the fermionized representation of tρ τ x cos θρ in (2.33). The key point is that the presence of the pseudospin operator τ x means that the operator vσ τ z cos θσ ˜ changes the sign of the transmission amplitude for the ˜ fermions ψ. This results in an X ray edge like contribution to the renormalization of vσ . This can be com˜ puted by a method analogous to that used by Schotte and Schotte40 to solve the X ray edge problem, which involves transforming the non interacting fermions to even and odd parity scattering states and then rebosonizing. This approach was used to study the X ray edge problem in a Luttinger liquid in Ref. 41. We begin by writing (2.33), H = Hσ + Hρ with ˜† z where φ± obey, [φ± (x), φ± (x′ )] = 2πisgn(x − x′ ). δ− = δe − δo is related to the transmission probability by √ 2X 0 dx tan−1 x x 2 . (3.79) Thus, for X < 0, |X| ≫ ǫ and ǫ → 0 we find G1/2+ǫ (X) = |X|e−F (|X|)/ǫ. (3.80) The asymptotic behavior F (X) = X/π 2 for |X| ≪ 1 reproduces (3.58) when |X| ≫ ǫ. For |X| ≫ 1 we find F (X → ∞) = 1 7ζ(3) . log 2X − 8 4π 2 (3.81) where ζ(3) = 1.20 is the Riemann zeta function. This gives the asymptotic behavior G1/2+ǫ (X → −∞) = which is quoted in Table II. e14ζ(3)/π 2|X| 2 1 8ǫ , (3.82) 20 IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION In this paper we have examined several novel properties of a point contact in a QSHI. We showed that the pinch-off as a function of gate voltage is governed by a non trivial quantum phase transition, which leads to scaling behavior of the conductance as a function of temperature and gate voltage characterized by a universal scaling function. We computed this scaling function and other properties of the critical point in certain solvable limits which provide an overall picture of the behavior as a function of the Luttinger liquid parameter g. In addition, we showed that the four terminal conductance has a simple structure when expressed in terms of the natural variables, GAB , and that at the low temperature fixed points, the leading corrections to the different components of GAB can have different temperature dependence. In particular, we showed that the skew conductance GXY vanishes as T γ with γ ≥ 2. Finally, we showed that for strong interactions, g < 1/2, the stable phase is the time reversal breaking insulating phase. Transport in that phase occurs via novel fractionalized excitations that have clear signatures in noise correlations. There are a number of problems for future research that our work raises. We will divide the discussion into experimental and theoretical issues. A. Experimental Issues The QSHI has been observed in transport experiments on HgTe/HgCdTe quantum well structures. A crucial issue is the value of the interaction parameter g. A simple estimate can be developed based on the long range Coulomb interaction43 . First consider the limit ξ ≫ w, where w is the quantum well width and ξ is the evanescent decay length of the edge state wavefunction into the bulk QSHI. We model the edge state as a two dimensional charged sheet with a charge density profile proportional to θ(x) exp(−2x/ξ), a distance d above a conducting ground plane. The long range interaction then leads to u2 = u4 = (2e2 /ǫ) log(4eγ d/ξ), where ǫ is the dielectric constant and γ = .577 is Euler’s constant. As a second model, assume ξ ≪ w, and model the edge state as a uniformly charged two dimensional strip of width w perpendicular to a ground plane a distance d away. This gives u2 = u4 = (2e2 /ǫ) log(2e3/2 d/w). The intermediate regime ξ ∼ w can be solved numerically, and we find that it is accurately described by a simple interpolation between the above limits with 4d/(ξe−γ + 2we−3/2 ) in the log. This leads to44 . g = 1+ 2 e2 log π ǫ vF 7.1d ξ + 0.8w −1/2 . (4.1) For ǫ = 15, vF = .35eVnm, ξ = 2 vF /Egap ∼ 30nm (Egap is the gap of the bulk QSHI), w = 12nm and d = 150nm45 this predicts g ∼ 0.8. The critical exponent governing the temperature dependence of the pinch-off curve (1.1) is then αg ∼ .02. In the CC and II phase the conductance vanishes as T δ with δg = g + g −1 − 2 ∼ .05. The good news is that since g is close to 1 the low temperature scaling behavior should be accurately described by the scaling function (3.9) computed in the limit g → 1. The bad news, is that the smallness of αg and δg mean that it will be difficult to see much dynamic range in the conductance as a function of temperature. Nonetheless, it may be possible to observe logarithmic corrections to the conductance as a function of temperature, and by comparing pinch-off curves at different temperatures it may be possible to observe the predicted sharpening of the transition as temperature is lowered. The skew conductance GXY is predicted be zero for non interacting electrons, and with weak interactions vanishes as T 2 . This is a consequence of the unique edge state structure of the QSHI, and remains robust when the interactions are weak. To probe the critical behavior of the pinch-off transition, as well as the more exotic strong interaction phases it would be desirable to engineer structures with smaller g. Perhaps this could be accomplished by modifying either the dielectric environment or the bare Fermi velocity of the edge states. Maciejko et al.12 have suggested that this may be possible using InAs/GaSb/AlSb type-II quantum wells46,47 . B. Theoretical Issues Our work points to a number of theoretical problems for future study. It would be very interesting if the powerful framework of conformal field theory can be used to analyze the intermediate critical fixed point as well as the crossover √ scaling function. Perhaps the first place to look is g = 1/ 3. Maybe it is possible to take advantage of the triangular symmetry of the QBM problem to develop a complete description of the critical fixed point, analogous to the mapping to the 3 channel Kondo problem25 and the 3 state Potts model24 that apply in a different regime. In the absence of an analytic solution, this problem is amenable to a numerical Monte Carlo analysis analogous to the calculation of the resonance crossover scaling function performed in Ref. 19. In addition, there are a number of other fixed points which we did not analyze in detail in this paper. (Recall for g = 1 − ǫ we found seven). It would be of interest to develop a more systematic classification of all of the fixed points, analogous to the analysis of three coupled Luttinger liquids performed by Oshikawa, Chamon and Affleck and Hou39,48 . 21 Acknowledgments It is a pleasure to thank Claudio Chamon and Eun-Ah Kim for introducing us to their work and Liang Fu for helpful discussions. This work was supported by NSF grant DMR-0605066. APPENDIX A: FOUR TERMINAL CONDUCTANCE The electrical response of the point contact can be characterized by a four terminal conductance, Gij Vj , Ii = where Ii is the current flowing into lead i and Vj is the voltage at lead j. In this appendix we will develop a convenient representation for Gij . Section 1 shows that Gij can be characterized by a 3 × 3 matrix, whose entries have a clear physical meaning. This representation allows constraints due to symmetry to be expressed in a simple way, which reduces the number of independent parameters characterizing the conductance. Finally, in section 3 we show how Gij is related to the conductance of the SLL model computed by the Kubo formula. Conductance matrix The 4 × 4 matrix Gij is constrained by current conservation to satisfy i Gij = j Gij = 0. In the absence of any symmetry constraints, there are thus 9 independent parameters characterizing Gij . In this section we will cast these 9 numbers as a 3 × 3 matrix, in which each of the entries has a clear physical meaning. In this representation constraints due to symmetry have a simple form. Since the four currents Ii satisfy i Ii = 0, they are determined by three independent currents, which we define as IA = (IX , IY , IZ ), and satisfy Ii = MiA IA , (A2) α where the 4 × 3 matrix MiA is   1 1 1 1  −1 1 −1    M=  . 2  −1 −1 1  1 −1 −1 (A3) IX = I1 + I4 is the total current flowing from left to right along the Hall bar, whereas IY = I1 + I2 is the current flowing from top to bottom. The third current IZ = I1 + I3 is the current flowing in on opposite leads (1 and 3) and flowing out in leads 2 and 4. Similarly, the voltages T MBj Vj . VB = (A4) j VX biases leads 1 and 4 relative to leads 2 and 3, VY biases leads 1 and 2 relative to leads 3 and 4, and VZ biases leads 1 and 3 relative to leads 2 and 4. The new currents and voltages are then related by a 3 × 3 conductance matrix GAB VB . IA = (A5) β (A1) j 1. Vi , which are defined up to an additive constant, define three independent voltage differences Vβ = (VX , VY , VZ ), with The 9 elements of GAB determine the four terminal conductance matrix, T MiA GAB MBj . Gij = (A6) AB The elements of GAB have a simple physical interpretation. GXX is the “two terminal” conductance measured horizontally in Fig. 1 by applying a voltage to leads 1 and 4 and measuring the current I1 + I4 . Similarly GY Y is a two terminal conductance measured vertically. GZZ describes a two terminal conductance defined by combining the opposite leads 1 and 3 together into a single lead (and similarly for leads 2 and 4). GXY is a “skew” conductance describing the current I1 + I4 in response to voltages applied to leads 1 and 2. The other off diagonal conductances can be understood similarly. 2. Symmetry Constraints The form of GAB simplifies considerably in the presence of symmetries. a. Time Reversal Symmetry In the presence of time reversal symmetry the four terminal conductance obeys the reciprocity relation42 , Gij = Gji . This implies GAB = GBA . Thus, with time reversal symmetry the conductance has 6 independent components. b. Spin Rotational Symmetry When the spin Sz is conserved the current of up and down spins flowing into the junction must independently be conserved. It follows that I1,in + I3,in = I2,out + I4,out I2,in + I4,in = I1,out + I3,out . (A7) 22 Since in the Fermi liquid lead (where the interactions have been turned off) we have Ii,in = (e2 /h)Vi , this implies that I1 + I3 = −I2 − I4 = e2 (V1 + V3 − V2 − V4 ). h (A8) It then follows that GZZ = 2e2 /h GZX = GZY = 0. (A9) Thus, which spin conservation the conductance is characterized by 3 components: the two terminal conductances GXX , GY Y and the skew conductance GXY . The quantization of GZZ and vanishing of GZB are therefore a diagnostic for the conservation of spin. Though spin orbit terms violating Sz conservation are generically present, we will argue that at the low energy fixed points of physical interest the conservation of spin is restored. c. GXY = 0. (A10) Though mirror symmetry is not generically present in a point contact we will argue that that symmetry is restored in the low energy fixed points of interest. Moreover, the crossover between the critical fixed point and the stable fixed point described by (1.1) is also along a line with mirror symmetry. Thus the crossover conductance is characterized by two parameters, GXX and GY Y , which are simply the two terminal conductances. Critical conductance At the transition, where the point contact is just being pinched off the two terminal conductances must be equal, GXX = GY Y ≡ G∗ . Relation to Kubo conductance In this section we relate the conductance matrix GAB to the conductances of the SLL model, which can be computed with the Kubo formula. There are two issues to (A12) Similarly, define charge and spin voltages Vρ = (V1 + V4 − V2 − V3 )/2 Vσ = (V1 − V4 + V2 − V3 )/2. (A13) These are related by the conductance matrix. Iα = Gαβ Vβ , (A14) where α, β = ρ, σ. By comparing (A5) and (A14) it is clear that GXX = Gρρ GY Y = 2e2 /h − Gσσ GXY = Gρσ = −Gσρ . (A15) Gαβ can be computed using the Kubo formula using the model in which the interactions are turned off for x > L. It is useful, however, to relate this to the Kubo conductance GK of an infinite Luttinger liquid. This αβ can be done by relating the voltage Vα=ρ,σ of the Fermi ¯ liquid leads with gρ = gσ = 1 to the voltage Vα of the incoming chiral modes of the Luttinger liquid with gρ = g and gσ = 1/g. By matching the boundary conditions at x = L this contact resistance has the form (A11) In addition, we will argue that this fixed point also has spin rotational symmetry and mirror symmetry. Thus, the critical four terminal conductance Gij depends on a single parameter G∗ . 3. Iρ = I1,in + I4,in − I1,out − I4,out Iσ = I1,in − I4,in + I1,out − I4,out . Mirror Symmetry If the junction has a mirror symmetry under interchanging leads (1, 2) ↔ (3, 4) or (1, 4) ↔ (2, 3), it follows that d. be addressed. First is to translate GAB into the spin and charge conductances of the SLL model. Second, we must relate the physical conductance measured with leads to the conductance computed with the Kubo formula. The Kubo conductance describes the response of an infinite Luttinger liquid, where the limit L → ∞ is taken before ω → 0. This does not take into account the contact resistance between the Luttinger liquid and the electron reservoir where the voltage is defined. An appropriate model to account for this is to consider a 1D model for the leads in which the Luttinger parameter g = 1 for x > L35,36 . In this section we assume time reversal symmetry and that spin is conserved. In this case we may define the charge and spin currents in the Fermi liquid leads (x > L) to be, c ˜ Vα − Vα = Rαβ Iβ (A16) with c Rαβ = h gα − 1 δαβ . e2 2gα (A17) The Kubo formula with infinite leads relates Iα = ¯ GK Vβ . Eliminating Vα from (A16) and (A17) gives the αβ 39 matrix relation Gαβ = I − Rc GK −1 GK αβ . (A18) 23 When there is mirror symmetry, so that GXY = µρσ = 0, the conductance matrix is diagonal, so that (A18) simplifies. 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