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分享 童年的回忆
热度 21 兜兜里有糖 2012-11-5 04:43
童年的回忆.swf http://www.zhenzhubay.com/fup/up/65/b8bd69a.mp3 背景音乐:童年
个人分类: 动画|13581 次阅读|26 个评论
分享 家乡香椿菜
热度 17 RidgeWalker 2012-8-26 08:03
上大学时年纪尚小,家人不放心,土里土气的东西给装了一大包。也是,我们那个穷地方的孩子出门的机会本来就少,上大学那可是天大的喜事一桩。大事吗就得大伙一起来装包,一时间村子里像赶集一样,亲戚朋友,邻居乡党,你来我往,大包小包的送哪塞啊,我的包都快爆炸了。 大学么当然在城里,很远的路程,带来的东西后来让我在同学面前很丢面子。我当然知道送东西的人全是好意,再说了哪个乡下孩子进城不经点磨难?这就跟蛇蜕皮一样,在所难免。一个乡下孩子能上大学,父老乡亲有啥错?他们为我高兴得很哪。 包里最土气的东西可能要算那包香椿菜了,当然是腌过的晒干了的,谢天谢地,还用旧报纸包得有棱有角的。香椿菜可是当地腌菜的首选,那名字在咱乡里可是响当当的。有了香椿菜,玉米糊糊那吃了几千年的早饭才有了特有的香味。乡里人日子过得紧巴巴的,吃的本来就缺,根本就没有油腥。乡亲们只能在梦里吃大肉,醒来咂嘴巴。人饿了一闻到邻家炒菜的油香就流口水。大块的肉这辈子肯定是吃不着了,从而香椿芽里那丁点儿植物油还能给咱一点点安慰不是,就这样青黄不接,一年又一年过下来了。感谢这个词表达不尽咱们对香椿菜的情感,父老乡亲对香椿菜打心眼里热爱,真心诚意。 那香椿芽和村里很多其他物事一样有各种用途。别看我包里那袋切碎了的腌香椿菜呈暗青色,那东西可是高原上祖祖辈辈认可的预防水土不服的灵丹妙药呢。 香椿芽子要在早春刚冒出不久就掐下来,要不就硬了,木头化了。这一掐呀,就把春天的柔嫩给留下了,装入罐子里那清香可以留一整年,甚至到来年。如此这般,我们家乡水土的根子就保留在这些曾经鲜嫩过如今盐腌了的嫩芽里。老年人对香椿芽帮助生在黄土高原角落的孩子走四方服水土赞叹不已,拍案叫绝。娃呀,外边的世界大任你走哇,咱这香椿菜你看它灰青灰青不起眼,有人还看不起呢,可谁知道这里边有世上最好的安心丸呢,咱这里水土好,那精华都聚在香椿里,保证你在外头不受水土不服的熬煎。是啊,离家的孩子可不能忘了带香椿菜呐。 虽然大学食堂不再供应玉米糊糊我还是想方设法将香椿拌入其它饭菜以保证我这乡下童子身尽快适应城市生活。但那情形说轻了让人有些尴尬哪,我每次从包里倒些黑乎乎,道说不清的粉末入大米粥或小米粥里,那东西我的大学同学,这些城里人从来没见过。他们当然不知道这物事曾经柔嫩过,清香过,他们对散发着一股说不明白的土气味的干粉末有一种自然的反感。自然有人捏鼻子,拧眉头,表示不屑。讽刺打击,风凉话难听话没少听,可我一点香椿也没有浪费。我知道香椿多好吃,也知道香椿菜在家乡食物里至高的地位。可惜那些年我没有说服一位大学同学试一下咱那土特产。 香椿一直是我生活的一部分,最重要的是香椿让我明白一个百年不变的道理:一个人不论走到哪里都必须与当地的水土和谐生存。 可不是吗,大学期间,我从来没 得 过什么过敏或其它类似的问题。虽然说不准到底是香椿的功能还是我年轻气盛的缘故,我毫不含糊地将那段如鱼得水的日子归功于香椿。 我们乡下人愿意守着我们自己的信念,甚至迷信,受过多少教育也难改呢。 *** English original *** When I was departing the village for college as a youngster, folks at home insisted on packing quite a few things earthy for me to take.Kids from our corner of the world didn’t have too much a chance to travel thus going to college was a big, big event.Big event required a big packing party and it was like a sizeable country fair as many neighbors, friends and relatives showed up with all kinds of things to add to the pile that was to be jam-packed into my sacks. College was of course in a city far away.Some of the stuff they made me bring along would later cause me quite a bit of embarrassment in front of my new acquaintances in college.Still I always remembered that everything was packed with good intentions.It was just that every country cousin migrating to the city must go through a transformation process, not unlike snakes shedding skins.It was not at all my folks’ fault that I was a country boy going to college in the city.They were mighty proud of me. The earthiest portion in my sack probably was a package of tender toon shoots, salted and sundry thank goodness, wrapped up in used newspaper of course.It was the pickle of choice of our region.Fragrant Toon Shoots was a name revered by villagers in our part of the world.The preserved toon shoots definitely added some zany zest to the otherwise bland crashed corn cereal that was our staple for breakfast for centuries.Our existence was rather meager and our food was pathetic with barely any gravy on top.We craved for fat pork because we weren’t getting any.Our perpetual hunger dictated that the smell of cooking oil induced watery mouths in our village.Since we weren’t getting any fat of the spectacular proportion, the little vegetable oil deposits in the toon shoots were preserved to offer some slight comfort for our wretched existence through the years.Thankful may not be sufficient a word to describe how we felt about toon shoots.Some of us were genuine in worshipping the great value of toon shoots. Like basically everything else in the village, the preserved tender shoots of the local toon trees had multiple functions at home.The chopped up dark blue sundry tender shoots that found its way in my bulky but pitiable baggage was actually the best allergy remedy tested by generations of high plateau dwellers. The tender shoots were picked in early spring before they grew tough and wooden; this way, the soft and tender season of the spring was potted for the whole year or even years to come.Consequently, the best part of our earth and water was conserved in those tender but salted fresh shoots of a tree.Our elderly never stopped marveling at how toon shoots helped the native children of yellow earth in the hinder lands of China adjust to the world outside.Anywhere in the world you go, kiddo, the toon shoots, especially its dark color, may look humble or even disgusting to those who had no idea but the portion sure contained the great agents of soothing harmony, the essence of our earth and water that acted to cushion us from sudden invasion or ambush of foreignness.One simply couldn’t leave home without those toon shoots. Our college cafeteria didn’t serve up any crushed corn cereal; still, I figured out ways to mix the preserved toon shoots into whatever I was eating to ensure a smooth transition of my teenage body from the countryside to the city.It looked a little awkward, to say the least, to decant out dark and mysterious powdery stuff and mix them into my rice porridge and millet cereal in front of my college friends as almost everyone of my college mates grew up in the city and had never heard of, let alone seeing, toon shoots before they met me.Without knowing how refreshing it was as tender shoots, all of my college mates resented the dried powder that emitted a strong earthy smell to the environment.So it was natural that some noses were pinched and eyebrows twisted.Amidst sarcastic remarks and outright mockery I managed not to discard any of the fragrant toon shoots, for I knew how yummy the toon shoots tasted or how high it ranked in our food pyramid.For all those years, I never succeeded in talking any of my college friends into trying some of the goofy stuff. Tender toon shoots were part of my life.Most importantly those toon shoots reminded me the age-old wisdom: wherever one travels in this world, one must learn to harness harmony with the local water and earth.Sure enough, I encountered no allergy or any other form of discomfort throughout my college days.Although it was hard to tell whether it was the fragrant toon shoots or my budding youth that harmonized everything in life for me during that period of time, I whole-heartedly attributed the smooth transition to the great toon shoots.We countryside folks were entitled to our beliefs and superstitions no matter how much education we received. http://vod.szzwch.com/zhudi/38-%E5%BC%AF%E5%BC%AF%E7%9A%84%E6%9C%88%E4%BA%AE%28%E7%AC%9B%E5%AD%90%29.mp3
个人分类: 前尘往事|25545 次阅读|66 个评论
分享 [八一征文] 十斤全国粮票(忆童年一)
热度 1 平凡往事 2012-8-13 08:32
一早我从钢琴上拿起一张字条,就匆匆忙忙地出了家门。 "攥紧点噢,别把你的宝贝弄丢了。" 老婆的玩笑从门缝里挤了出来。 "别担心,我还得留着它封你嘴呢。" 我毫不示弱的回了她一句,这时我已经站在马路上了。 我一边往公司的方向走,一边下意识地攥紧手中的字条。呵呵,我突然情不自禁的笑出声来,而由来却是我儿时的一段经历。 记得就在母亲被迫下放前的一个星期天(父亲已被关进牛棚),那年我上小学三年级。由于是周日,我们兄妹都赖在床上不肯起床。早起的母亲进来说: "该起床,你们早上想吃什么?" 我立即蒙起头抢先喊道: "油条,豆浆。" 母亲似乎犹豫了片刻才说: "好吧,我们就吃油条豆浆。" 听得出母亲的话很勉强。 "真的吗?" 我半信半疑地露出脸问。 其实我根本没有想到母亲会这么痛快就答应下来,就是说出一个心中的愿望,更没有想过会真能如愿以偿。我们那代人从小就过贯了简单的日子,愿望往往就像烟民手指上飘过的一缕清烟,总是神龙见首不见尾。那时我们对生活的全部要求,也仅仅是能吃饱,穿暖。 "就吃油条,豆浆!" 这次母亲的语气很坚定。 我一古脑儿地从被窝里爬起来,自报奋勇的跑到母亲面前说: "我去买油条。" "好,你等着。" 母亲说完转身进了她和父亲的房间,我悄悄跟在她的身后。母亲从一张上着锁的桌子的抽屉里,翻出一个小红本,在本皮中拿出一张面值拾斤的全国粮票,迟疑了一下才递到我的手里,神情严肃地嘱咐我说: "这是十斤全国粮票,千万别弄丢了。" "不能,我在,阵地在!" 我学着电影 中王成的样子给母亲敬了军礼。一本正经地接过十斤全国粮票,装出一付大人的模样。 这次我没有向往常那样把粮票放在裤兜里,而是牢牢地攥在手心中,我想如此一来就万无一失了。母亲又从厨房里拿了个装豆浆用的小铁锅,在水龙头下冲了冲,递给我时又不放心的叮嘱我一句: "记住,路上别贪玩,快去快回。" "好。"我像接到一项光荣任务的小战士,神气活现地一手握着粮票,一手拿着铁锅跑了出家门。 从我们大院到早市要经过一个公园,一路上有许多晨练的人们在河沿旁溜弯。有些人手里拎着鸟笼子,神气十足的和经过身旁的人打着招呼。在河的对岸还有几看不清面孔的爷在哪里吊嗓子,咿咿呀呀地吼个不停。这是我第一次去早市,热闹非凡的市井风情一下就迷住了玩心吞象的我。我开始溜号,走走停停,停停走走。嘴里还跟着对岸吊嗓子的唱腔哼哼呀呀的。无意中碰到一个端着早点,步履维艰的老人身上。 "这是谁家的毛小子? 走路也不看着点。" "哼!" 我调皮地冲那人扮了个鬼脸,然后一边跑一边挑衅地嚷嚷到: "有本事你追我啊。。。" 跑着跑着我突然想起自己的使命,于是下意识地看看手中的粮票,还在。我暗暗提醒自己,千万别把买油条的粮票给弄丢了。 当我气喘吁吁的赶到市场上时,哪里早已是人山人海。我耐着性子排在买油条的队伍里,约摸半个小时左右,好不容易轮到我。但就在交钱时我突然发现手心里除了握着把汗外,哪里还有什么粮票。我不甘心的翻遍了上上下下所有的口袋,就是不见那张十斤的全国粮票。我在别人异样的目光中沮丧地离开排了半天的队,手依然在身上到处摸索。我立即按原路返回,一路上仔仔细细地盯着地上,希望能找回我的十斤全国粮票。但是。。。。。 回到家,我把铁锅悄悄地放在厨房里,拿起一把条扫闷头扫起地来。一个房间接着一个房间的扫,仿佛只有如此才能赎回我的罪。 母亲看了一眼垂头丧气的我,立即就明白发生了什么。她并没有责怪我,而是默默地转身进了厨房。不一会儿,母亲就喊我们兄妹几个过来吃饭,饭桌上是几张刚烙好的稀面饼,四碗糊糊粥和两碟咸菜。 "油条呢? 今天不是吃油条吗?" 哥哥问。 "今天吃烙饼,我还在面里打了两个鸡蛋,这可是你们平时最爱吃的啊!" 母亲接话说。 "我想吃油条。" 哥哥坚持说。 "我也想吃油条。" 妹妹也不甘示弱。 "吃饼!" 看到母亲有些光火,他们才住了声。 我从心里感激母亲,依然闷头扫地,但总觉得身后有人在看我。 "别扫了,凉了就不好吃了。" 母亲在叫我,声音和平时一样平静。 我放下扫把,小心翼翼地坐到桌子上,头就差没有埋进饭碗里。 从那以后我就开始从一个做事马马虎虎,丢三落四的人,变成一个比较严谨的人了。可母亲为什么没有责怪我? 十斤全国粮票按现值估算最少也是一千元人民币的价值,这在当年可以是一家人半个月的口粮啊!当时我并不能理解一个丈夫被关进牛棚,自己也将背井离乡,而且又不得不抛下三个还不懂事的孩子去农村下放的母亲的心情。只感到心里很温暖,更不知道已经失去父爱的我们,在几天以后也将失去母爱,文革真是一场浩劫! 说句实话,到现在我也弄不明白,粮票明明就攥在我的手心里,怎么不翼而飞了呢?
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