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分享 检察官推荐: Peter Liang不用坐牢
热度 6 ojx111 2016-3-24 09:48
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/24/nyregion/prosecutor-wont-seek-prison-for-peter-liang-ex-officer-convicted-in-killing.html?_r=0 Prosecutor Won’t Seek Prison for Peter Liang, Ex-Officer Convicted in Killing The Brooklyn district attorney’s office announced on Wednesday that it would not seek prison time for the former New York City police officer convicted last month in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man in a housing project in East New York. In a statement, the district attorney, Ken Thompson, said the case was about “justice and not about revenge,” and recommended that the former officer, Peter Liang, receive five years of probation, including six months of home confinement, when he faces sentencing next month. “Mr. Liang has no prior criminal history and poses no future threat to public safety,” Mr. Thompson’s statement said. “Because his incarceration is not necessary to protect the public, and due to the unique circumstances of this case, a prison sentence is not warranted.” Mr. Liang was on patrol in a stairwell with his partner in the Louis H. Pink Houses on Nov. 20, 2014, when his gun fired and a ricocheting bullet struck and killed Akai Gurley, a 28-year-old black man who was visiting his girlfriend. The killing of Mr. Gurley came barely four months after an another unarmed black man, Eric Garner, died in a confrontation with the police on Staten Island, and the two deaths pulled New York into a national debate over race and the criminal justice system。 A little more than more than a year after Mr. Gurley’s death, a state grand jury indicted Mr. Liang on charges that included manslaughter. He was convicted on Feb. 11, and then fired by the Police Department. On Wednesday, Mr. Gurley’s family denounced the prosecutors’ decision. “We are outraged at District Attorney Thompson’s inadequate sentencing recommendation,” the family said in a statement. “Officer Liang was convicted of manslaughter and should serve time in prison for his crime. This sentencing recommendation sends the message that police officers who kill people should not face serious consequences.” Mr. Thompson’s statement, which was accompanied by a formal sentencing letter, serves only as a recommendation to Justice Danny K. Chun of State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, who is scheduled to hand down the sentence in the case on April 14.
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分享 转贴 為支持被起訴的華人新手警察梁彼得 和威信的作用。
热度 3 中西部人 2015-2-22 22:27
為支持被起訴的華人新手警察梁彼得(Peter Liang),全美多個州的華人積極參與白宮請願網站(petitions.whitehouse.gov)上的連署簽名,短短兩日就收集了1萬4000 多個簽名。在紐約華人的各大微信群中,處處都轉發該連署鏈接,引起華人群體的熱議。 創建這個「要求布碌崙檢察官撤銷對梁彼得的起訴」連署的彭禮琨來自加州,他表示自己代表美國華裔平等權益協會(HQH)發起該連署,如果達到10萬個簽名,白宮方面將出面回應。 他認為,雖然回應或許不能起到決定性作用,卻可以增加關注度和輿論監督,「也起到一定的教育作用,讓華人關心自己的權益,也對外顯示華人的團結」。 目前簽名來自多個州,除了紐約州外,還有猶他州、加州、亞利桑那、德州等。彭禮琨希望在3月19日截止日之前能收集到10萬個簽名。為了號召更多華人簽名,彭禮琨以及不少支持者都通過微信群來傳播信息。 來自加州的王雪寧呼籲自己的「華人步槍聯盟」的360多名成員為這位紐約華裔警察爭取公正,「紐約也沒遠到哪裡去,在同一個國家發生我們同胞那麼大 的冤屈,我們不能漠視」,熟悉槍支操作的他堅信槍擊事件是意外。他希望華人看到不平一定要表達出來,希望大家的支持能鼓舞梁彼得不要放棄。 ..他認為,雖然回應或許不能起到決定性作用,卻可以增加關注度和輿論監督,「也起到一定的教育作用,讓華人關心自己的權益,也對外顯示華人的團結」。 目前簽名來自多個州,除了紐約州外,還有猶他州、加州、亞利桑那、德州等。彭禮琨希望在3月19日截止日之前能收集到10萬個簽名。為了號召更多華人簽名,彭禮琨以及不少支持者都通過微信群來傳播信息。 來自加州的王雪寧呼籲自己的「華人步槍聯盟」的360多名成員為這位紐約華裔警察爭取公正,「紐約也沒遠到哪裡去,在同一個國家發生我們同胞那麼大 的冤屈,我們不能漠視」,熟悉槍支操作的他堅信槍擊事件是意外。他希望華人看到不平一定要表達出來,希望大家的支持能鼓舞梁彼得不要放棄。 当年贺梅案如果有微信或许不会那么艰辛。但是也不见得,或许经过贺梅案的启发和教育,华人懂得的一些最基本的道理。
13664 次阅读|7 个评论
分享 专家:安倍晋三的货币政策损害美国
热度 1 新闻速递 2013-1-12 14:55
Japan’s Monetary Policies Are Disastrous for U.S. Economy: Peter Schiff By Bernice Napach | Daily Ticker – 19 hours ago Japan's new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is determined to revive the country's faltering economy. Today he announced a $117 billion stimulus package and in less than two weeks the Bank of Japan will consider extending its easy monetary policy for the second meeting in a row—something it hasn’t done since 2003. Under pressure from Abe , the BOJ is expected to expand its purchases of government bonds and double its inflation target to 2%. This move is expected to devalue the yen in an effort to boost exports and the broader Japanese economy. Japan's monetary policies will hurt Japan's economy and the U.S. economy, says Peter Schiff , CEO of Euro Pacific Precious Metals. “Japan doesn’t need more inflation," he says. "They actually need a stronger yen, higher interest rates. They need to allow their economy to restructure…to shrink government. Instead they’re simply going to do more of what’s been failing for the past two decades.” He tells The Daily Ticker that if inflation rises in Japan, Japanese citizens will likely unload low-yielding Japanese bonds in favor of higher yielding precious metals and other assets. That could force the BOJ to buy more Japanese government debt instead of U.S. government debt, says Schiff. Related : "Obscene Stimulus" Will Trigger 'Made in Japan' Crisis in 2013: Mauldin Why is this a big deal? Because Japan is the second biggest foreign owner of U.S. government bonds after China. If the BOJ cuts back on U.S. government bond purchases, the U.S. Treasury will be forced to pick up the slack, says Schiff. “That means more money printing here …so we will have more domestic inflation,” Schiff adds. “Eventually none of the foreign central banks will want to buy more dollars when they figure out the game that we’re playing, continually creating money to buy products we can’t afford.” Related: 2013 Could be the Year Japan's Economy Turns Around: Cumberland's Witherell Former Federal Reserve Governor Randall Kroszner says Japan needs to change policy but not in the way Schiff suggests. In a recent New York Times op-ed he writes, “The highest priority in the economic revival plan of the newly elected prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is to strong-arm the Bank of Japan into acknowledging that it will do simply 'whatever it takes' to reverse deflation there and allow a recovery to take root." Kroszner recommends that the BOJ continue its aggressive Japanese government bond purchases without signaling that the policy is a temporary one, as it did after the Japanese economy fell into recession in the early 1990s. Will Japanese easing hurt the U.S. Treasury market? Tell us what you think! Got a topic you’d like covered? Have a guest you’d like to see interviewed? We’d love to hear from you! Send us an email at thedailyticker@yahoo.com . You can also look us up on Twitter and Facebook .
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