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分享 《朝鲜战争常见问题》的权威性
热度 3 岳东晓 2015-9-15 13:05
若干年前,在CMF (Chinese Military Forum) 以及网上其他地方经常遇到朝鲜战争的争论。于是我决定写一个朝鲜战争常见问题 ( Korean War FAQ )。写完之后,在 CMF 偶尔会有美军前来质疑,我都回应到,本人写的经过了考证多方资料,你们要能指出一个错误,我感谢你们。多年来,无人能提出什么异见。 大约2001年左右,有个美国人同事(计算机方面的)一天突然对我说,想不到你还是个 Historian 。原来是在网上看到了这个 Korean War FAQ。 今天我在 Google Books 里搜索 ,发现下列书籍引用了 Korean War FAQ 作为参考资料: The Korean War: An Annotated Bibliography https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1135223947 Keith D. McFarland - 2009 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions Encyclopedia Britannica Online Encyclopedia. A brief history oftheoriginsand the military,political anddiplomatic aspects of the war.Aclear and concise overview. 2560. Korean War FAQ . Answers somethreedozen questionsabout theKorean... Historical Dictionary of the Korean War - Page 435 https://books.google.com/books?isbn=081087461X Paul M. Edwards - 2010 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions ELECTRONIC SOURCES America's War Fact Sheet, www.va.gov/pressurel/ amwars96.htm Canadians in Korea, ... People's Republic of China's point of view on the Korean War FAQ , www . centurychina. com/ hi story/ krwarf aq. html... Korean War not forgotten: stories from Korean War veterans - Page 449 https://books.google.com/books?id=HovxAAAAMAAJ Paul Aleckson - 2003 - ‎Snippet view stories from Korean War veterans Paul Aleckson. Bibliography ' The Korean War: Inchon. http://webpdp.gator.com/v3/webpdp_v3_plugin.php?yic=HIC_L90DT 2 Korean War FAQ : Korean War History, http://centurychina.com/histry/faq5.shtml. Fire and Ice: The Korean War, 1950-1953 - Page 261 https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1882810449 Michael J. Varhola - 2000 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions The 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Committee (http:// korea50.army.mil) is the official, public access site ... Volunteers Army during the Korea War, from the communist point of view, can be found on The Korean War FAQ ,... The Koreas - Page 449 https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1598841602 Mary E. Connor - 2009 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions KOSNET. http://www.interedu.go.kr The educational site offers Korean language study over the Internet. ... Korean War FAQ . http://www.centurychina.com/history/ krwarfaq.html This Web site answers frequently asked questions about the... Paths to Peace: Domestic Coalition Shifts, War Termination ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0804772371 Elizabeth Stanley - 2009 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions In The Truth About the Korean War: Testimony 40 Years Later. Edited by Chull- Baum Kim, 143–56. Seoul: Eulyoo Publishing, 1993. Yue, Dongxiao. “ Korean War FAQ .” http://centurychina.com/history/krwarfaq.html (ac- cessed March 6, 2001). Lee Harvey Oswald's Cold War Vol 1: Why the Kennedy ... https://books.google.com/books?id=yQp2CgAAQBAJ Greg R. Parker - 2014 - ‎ Preview South Korea Likely Provoked War with North by Oliver Lee, StarBulletin, June 24, 1994 Ibid US Military ... Professor of Political Economy, Lafayette College CenturyChina.com Korean War FAQ Long Delay on Peace:... Conflict in Korea: An Encyclopedia - Page 229 https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0874369789 James Hoare , ‎ Susan Pares - 1999 - ‎Snippet view - ‎ More editions BIBLIOGRAPHY 229 The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. 1979. P' yongyang, Foreign ... China Crosses the Yalu: The Chinese Decision to Enter the Korean War. New York, Macmillan. ... Yue Dongxiao. 1998. " Korean War FAQ . Korea Observer - Volume 36 - Page 295 https://books.google.com/books?id=jnVDAAAAYAAJ 2005 - ‎Snippet view - ‎ More editions Weathersby, Kathryn, "Working Paper #8: Soviet Aims in Korea and the Origins of the Korean War, 1945-1950: New ... Yue, Dongxiao, " Korean War FAQ ," Chinese Military Forum (1998) Changing Realities and Paradigms in Social and... America and China: Political and Economic Relations in the ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=059540815X Ben Mah - 2007 - ‎ Preview - ‎ More editions Unfortunately, the other nuclear powers have not accepted the Chinese proposalsls'ls'. Notes: Rosenberg, Jennifer: “Hiroshima and Nagasaki 20th Century History” Yue, Dongxiao: Korean War FAQ 另外我的《 日本的侵略与掠夺是中国贫穷的直接原因 》一文也被英文学术文章作为资料引用
个人分类: 历史|10352 次阅读|7 个评论
分享 世界上最不要脸,最无耻的民族,korean,世界的耻辱,韩国.
热度 3 8288 2013-3-19 16:07
个人分类: 娱乐|5673 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 朝鲜战争伤亡表
热度 8 岳东晓 2012-8-26 08:55
公式: 战斗力 = 火力 * 战斗效率 结论:中国军战斗效率为美军的十倍以上 Korean war casualty statistics Copyright (C) , 1999 YDX Country 国家 KIA+ 阵亡 Wounded 负伤 MIA 失踪 Captured 被俘 Total 总和 Comments 注解 S Korea (韩) 227,800 717,100 43,500 ? 984,400 Captured included in MIA? US (美) 54,229 103,248 8,142 3,746 169,365 KIA included the 20,600 accidental fatality UK(英) 710 2,278 1,263 766 5,017 Turkey(土) 717 2,246 167 217 3,349 Australia(澳) 291 1,240 39 21 1,591 Canada(加) 309 1,055 30 2 1,396 France(法) 288 818 18 11 1,135 Thailand(泰) 114 794 5 0 913 Greece(希腊) 169 543 2 1 715 Holland(荷兰) 111 589 4 0 704 Columbia (哥伦比亚) 140 452 65 29 686 Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚) 120 536 656 Philippines (菲律宾) 92 299 57 40 488 Belgium/Luxe (比利时/卢森堡) 97 350 5 1 453 New Zealand (新西兰) 34 80 1 115 South Africa (南非) 20 16 6 42 Japan (日本) several 1 PRC(中) 132,000 238,400 8,000 21,400 392,600 NK War cost(战争费用) Total weight of material (in million tons) 消耗物资(百万吨) Ammunition (in million tons) 消耗弹药(百万吨) Cost (in billion USD) 战争费用(10亿美元) US(美) 75 3.3 20 PRC(中) 5.6 0.25 2.5
6882 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 他们选择了去中国(了解一些历史)
热度 14 路不平 2012-6-25 10:43
“They Chose China”,是 Shui-bo Wang 执导的第三部电影。 纪录片 “They Chose China” 描述了作为志愿军战俘,当韩战结束时,21位美国年轻人选择了去中国的故事。 Oscar nominated filmmaker Shui-bo Wang aims his camera at the astonishing story of 21 American POWs who, after the Korean War ended, chose to live in China instead of returning the USA. Using rare archival footage, excerpts from American and Chinese TV programs, as well as period and contemporary interviews, They Chose China chronicles the fascinating history of this group of young Americans who were hailed in China as “peace fighters” and denounced in America as “turncoats” and “traitors.” U.S. media claimed that these young POW’s had been “brainwashed” by the Chinese communists. The film shows conditions inside these Chinese camps, featuring never-before-seen footage, plus contemporary interviews with some of the camps’ Chinese translators, instructors, lecturers, and officers. 请点击, They Chose China
8473 次阅读|8 个评论


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