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分享 这道烧脑题在国外火了 难倒众网友 你能答上来吗?
zjx 2017-6-20 23:35
最近,国外社交网站上一道题目火了,难倒了一众歪果仁,火爆程度不亚于当年“蓝黑”的还是“白金”的裙子…… 这道题江湖人称“特蕾莎女儿之谜”,谜面其实很简单,就是有点……绕…… 来看题: "If Teresa's daughter is my daughter's mother, what am I to Teresa?" 如果特蕾莎的女儿是我的女儿的妈妈,那我是特蕾莎的谁? 题目还给了5个选项: a) Grandmother外婆 b) Mother妈妈 c) Daughter女儿 d) Granddaughter外孙女 e) I am Teresa.我是特蕾莎 对亲属关系本来就没有分太清的国外网友都被绕晕了…… Kayla:我、妈妈和麦克三个人刚花了10分钟来解这道“特蕾莎女儿之谜”。 Nick Soldan:如果特蕾莎的女儿是我女儿的妈妈,特蕾莎是我的什么?真是个谜啊!解不开!求助!!! 特蕾莎是谁?!! 特蕾莎的女儿是谁?!! 特蕾莎女儿的妈妈又是谁???!! 大概觉得这道题太难,BuzzFeed给出了题目的解题关键…… 我女儿的妈妈(my daughter's mother)……其实,就是我呀! 这样一来,这道题就变成了:如果特蕾莎的女儿是我,那我是特蕾莎的什么?(If Teresa's daughter is me, what am I to Teresa?) 显而易见,这道题选C,女儿(daughter)。 你是不是也恍然大悟? 什么?你说一道不过瘾?双语君精选了一套题,看看你能做对几道?答案在图片下面,没读完题不许偷看哦~~ 几个女儿 a. I have ten or more daughters. b. I have less than ten daughters. c. I have at least one daughter. If only one of these statements is true, how many daughters do I have? a.我有十个或者更多女儿。 b.我有少于十个女儿。 c.我至少有一个女儿。 如果三个陈述中只有一个是真的,那么我有多少个女儿? 答案: I do not have any daughters and the true statement is: I have less than ten daughters. 我没有女儿。唯一真实的陈述是:我有少于十个女儿。 因为如果我有女儿,那么就一定有两个陈述为真,因此,答案是我没有女儿。 三个医生 Three doctors said that Robert was their brother. Robert said he had no brothers. Who is lying? 三个医生自称是罗伯特的兄弟,但罗伯特说他没有兄弟,请问谁在说谎? 答案: Neither of them were lying. The doctors were his sisters. 他们都没有说谎。医生们是他的姐妹。 买和吃之谜 You buy it to eat, but you don’t eat it. What is it? 你买它是为了吃,但你却不吃它,请问这是什么东西? 答案: A plate, fork, spoon, knife, dining table, etc. The answer can be a lot of things, anything that you use to serve or eat food. 盘子、叉子、勺子、刀子、餐桌等等。答案并不唯一,所有用来盛食物或者进食的物件都可以。 冰茶 两个女孩一起喝冰茶,一个女孩喝了1杯的时间里,另一个女孩喝了5杯,但是: The girl who drank one died while the other survived. However, all of the drinks that were served turned out to contain poison. 喝了一杯的女孩死了,但是喝5杯的却安然无恙。然而,女孩们喝的冰茶都被下了毒。 为什么活下来的是喝了5杯冰茶的女孩? 答案: The poison was in the ice. When the girl drank the iced tea, the ice was still fully frozen. Gradually, as the ice cubes melted the poison was released into the drink. 毒在冰块里。当女孩喝冰茶的时候,冰块仍然完全是冻结的。但冰块渐渐融化,毒药就溶进了冰茶里。 5+9 I add five to nine, and get two. The answer is correct, but how? 我用5+9,结果得到2,答案还是正确的,为什么? 答案: When it is9am, add5 hours to it and you will get2pm. 上午9点+5小时就是下午2点。 公公的妈妈 A man and a woman were travelling on a car. A policeman stopped them at a signal and asked how are they related. The man answered,“Her father-in-law is my father-in-law’s father.” 一男一女驾车出门。一个警察拦住他们问他们是什么关系。男人回答,“她的公公是我岳父的爸爸”。 请问两人什么关系? 答案: The woman is his mother-in-law. 女人是他的岳母。 5姐妹 All five sisters are busy. Ann is reading a book, Rose is cooking, Katy is playing chess, and Mary is doing the laundry. What is the fifth sister doing? 5姐妹手头都有事。安在读书,露丝在做饭,凯蒂在下象棋,玛丽在洗衣服,请问第5个姐妹在干嘛? 答案: She is playing chess with Katy. 她在和凯蒂下象棋。 给与得 A boy and a girl each have a bag of containing the same number of jelly beans. How many jelly beans must the boy give the girl so that the girl will have ten more jelly beans than the boy? 男孩和女孩的口袋里装有一样多的糖豆。那么男孩需要给女孩多少糖豆才能让女孩口袋里的糖豆比男孩的多10颗? 答案: The boy must give the girl five jelly beans, not ten. 男孩应该给女孩5个,而不是10个。 男孩少了5个,而女孩多了5个,这样两人的差就是10。 国王的失窃案 A king in England has a jewel, a dog, and a crown. A thief comes in the middle of a night and takes the dog and yet the next day the king reports that he has two missing items. The king said the truth and there was only one robbery that happened. How is this possible? 国王有一件珠宝,一条狗和一个王冠。盗贼深夜潜入偷走了狗,但第二天国王却表示有两件失窃物品。国王说的是实话,但确实只发生了一件失窃案,有可能的情况是什么? 答案: The dog ate the jewel. 狗吃掉了珠宝。 三空一词 最后来一道压轴难题,答对你就是天才! Can you fill the same word in all these three blank spaces? 你能用同一个词填下面的空吗? A______ doctor was________ to operate on a person as there was______ 答案: Answer of the puzzle is“NOTABLE”, which can be used as follows in the sentence: 答案是“NOTABLE”,填空后句子如下: A NOTABLE doctor was NOT ABLE to operate on a person as there was NO TABLE. 一位有名的(notable)医生不能(not able)给病人做手术,因为没有手术台(no table)。 惊不惊喜?意不意外?
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分享 懂得感恩才会快乐:感恩节快乐!
热度 9 兜兜里有糖 2012-11-22 21:38
特蕾莎修女,(Mother Teresa of Calcutta),1910年8月27日—1997年9月5日,又称做德兰修女、特里莎修女、泰瑞莎修女),是世界著名的天主教慈善工作者,主要替印度加尔各答的穷人服务。因其一生奉献给解除贫困,而于1979年得到诺贝尔和平奖。并被教皇约翰·保罗二世在2003年10月列入了天主教宣福名单Beatification。目前德蕾莎修女的名称也变为真福德雷莎修女(Blessed Teresa)。 2009年10月4日,诺贝尔基金会评选“1979年和平奖得主特蕾莎修女(又译:特里萨修女)”为诺贝尔奖百余年历史上最受尊崇的3位获奖者之一。(其他两位是1964年和平奖得主马丁·路德金、1921年物理学奖得主爱因斯坦。) 特蕾莎修女的名言: 爱直至成伤。 Love until it hurts.    假如你爱至成伤,你会发现,伤没有了,却有更多的爱。 Mother Teresa said:“I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt,but only more love.”    人们经常是不讲道理的、没有逻辑的和以自我为中心的,不管怎样,你要原谅他们 People are often unreasonable,illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. 即使你是友善的,人们可能还是会说你自私和动机不良。不管怎样,你还是要友善。 If you are kind,people may accuse you of selfish,ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. 当你功成名就,你会有一些虚假的朋友和一些真实的敌人。不管怎样,你还是要取得成功。 If you are successful,you will win some false friends And some true enemies; Succeed anyway.    即使你是诚实的和率直的,人们可能还是会欺骗你。不管怎样,你还是要诚实和率直。 If you are honest and frank,people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. 你多年来营造的东西,有人在一夜之间把它摧毁。不管怎样,你还是要去营造。 What you spend years building, Someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. 如果你找到了平静和幸福,他们可能会嫉妒你。不管怎样,你还是要快乐。 If you find serenity and happiness,they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.    你今天做的善事,人们往往明天就会忘记。不管怎样,你还是要做善事。 The good you do today,people will often forget tomorrow; Be good anyway.   特蕾莎修女 From Mother Teresa
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