联合国食物与农业组织发布一份两百页题为《可吃昆虫: 食物保障的未来》的报告,下载链接 http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/i3253e/i3253e.pdf 以强有力的科学证据证明人们应该多吃虫子。根据这份报告,目前世界上有20亿人口通过食用昆虫补充蛋白质。昆虫具有高蛋白与矿物质,而且有利于环境。 常见的可吃昆虫包括:甲壳虫、毛虫、蜜蜂、黄蜂、蚂蚁、蚂蚱、蝗虫、蟋蟀、蝉,等等。 昆虫非常高效,能将两公斤饲料转换为一公斤昆虫质量,而家畜需要9公斤饲料,才能转换为1公斤肉。 Which_Bugs_Are_Safest_to_Eat_and_Tastiest.mp4 UN urges people to eat insects to fight world hunger Comments (720) Over 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diet with insects Continue reading the main story Related Stories Would you eat bugs instead of meat? Watch The locust-eaters of Israel What will we be eating in 20 years' time? Eating more insects could help fight world hunger, according to a new UN report. The report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says that eating insects could help boost nutrition and reduce pollution. It notes than over 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diet with insects. However it admits that "consumer disgust" remains a large barrier in many Western countries. Continue reading the main story Insect nutritional value /100g Food source Protein (g) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) Source: Montana State University Caterpillar 28.2 n/a 35.5 Grasshopper 20.6 35.2 5 Dung beetle 17.2 30.9 7.7 Minced beef 27.4 n/a 3.5 Discover more about insects More on protein and healthy eating Wasps, beetles and other insects are currently "underutilised" as food for people and livestock, the report says. Insect farming is "one of the many ways to address food and feed security". "Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly, and they have high growth and feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint," according to the report. Nutritional value The authors point out that insects are nutritious, with high protein, fat and mineral content. They are "particularly important as a food supplement for undernourished children". Insects are also "extremely efficient" in converting feed into edible meat. Crickets, for example, need 12 times less feed than cattle to produce the same amount of protein, according to the report. Most insects are are likely to produce fewer environmentally harmful greenhouse gases than other livestock. The ammonia emissions associated with insect-rearing are far lower than those linked to conventional livestock such as pigs, says the report. Delicacies The report calls for insect dishes to be added to restaurant menus Insects are regularly eaten by many of the world's population, but the thought may seem shocking to many Westerners. The report suggests that the food industry could help in "raising the status of insects" by including them in new recipes and adding them to restaurant menus. It goes on to note that in some places, certain insects are considered delicacies. For example some caterpillars in southern Africa are seen as luxuries and command high prices. Most edible insects are gathered in forests and serve niche markets, the report states. It calls for improved regulation and production for using insects as feed. "The use of insects on a large scale as a feed ingredient is technically feasible, and established companies in various parts of the world are already leading the way," it adds.
16年前,我在《 钓鱼岛中日决战 》中写道,【中国应加强与俄国的军事合作,增加互相的信赖感。。。如果 能在未来的中日战争中借重俄国的力量,联合韩国,对倭寇三面围剿,必置军国主义于死地。 对于美国,则晓之以害、诱之以利可矣。 】 也就是说,钓鱼岛问题美国因素通过外交、经济手段即可排除。 两个星期前,针对各种美国是否会介入钓鱼岛争端的讨论,我在《 美国的战略模糊及其底牌 》中写道,【 假如中国自己被吓得软了,老美就可以出来对日本人说,嘿嘿,还不谢谢我罩着?如果中国人真发狠打了,老美可以站在一边, 说这是你们中日之间一衣带血几百年的恩怨,两个民族自己解决,我们美国给你们和平的祝愿 。。。】 中国对日本采取一系列强硬措施,并在联合国宣示立场之后, 美国在联合国发话表态了 ,不再提什么美日安保条约,而是下列容: 【"We have indicated quite clearly that this is a matter for diplomacy between the two countries, and the United States has no intention and we are not playing a mediating role. We have high confidence in the judgment and recognition on both sides of the importance of this relationship. We think it is appropriate. … We think it is a responsible view as well. So the United States is not going to play that kind of role going forward."】 简单翻译如下, 美国认为南中国海与东海的主权争议由来已久 ,日中关系对日中双方都很重要,相信中日双方都能认识到这一点,钓鱼岛争端是中日之间的事情,今后美国不会在中日之间担任调停角色。 http://v.ifeng.com/include/exterior.swf?AutoPlay=falseguid=97d67a11-aecc-4652-839c-9530843e7bb0fromweb=ZHVPlayer
JOHN TOLAND写的《IN MORTAL COMBAT -- Korea, 1950-1953》(TOLAND曾获普利策奖)这本关于朝鲜战争的这本著作参阅了很多解密的原始资料,其描述相对比较全面。书的封底介绍到:【 In Mortal Combat reveals Mao's prediction of the date and place of MacArthur's Inchon landing, Russia's indifference to the war, Mao's secret leadership of the North Korean military...】 这些内容,应该是英文读者以前不知道的。 正如上面总结所言,苏联对于朝鲜战争的态度可以说是观望性的、冷淡的,苏联的战略重心在欧洲,而不是远东。美军在仁川登陆,然后夺回汉城之后,斯大林拒绝了北朝鲜的求助,他的建议是让金日成放弃朝鲜、到中国组建流亡政府 (Toland. p.240)。 联合国在仁川登陆之后通过决议,授权美军征服并占领整个北朝鲜。1950年10月6日,联合国军越过38线,进入北朝鲜境内。美军的目标是摧毁北朝鲜全部军 事力量,实现朝鲜统一。10月8日,麦克阿瑟通过电台要求金日成投降。同一天,美参谋长联席会议命令麦克阿瑟在攻击中国境内目标时必须先得到华盛顿的批 准。由此可见,美国对于美军的军事行动的范围并没有明确加以限制,也没有排除对中国境内目标实施军事打击的可能,而是抱一种见机行事的态度。 美国人对苏联的态度其实非常清楚。1950年10月8日,美军战斗机深入苏联远东境内60英里,攻击了一个苏军机场。但苏联并没有强烈反应。10月15日, 杜鲁门在威克岛就中国与苏联参战的可能性向麦克阿瑟将军进行了咨询。麦克阿瑟的判断是,中国、苏联已经错过军事干预的最佳时机。”We are no longer fearful of their intervention"。 麦克阿瑟对于中国的分析是:中国人在满洲有30万兵力,其中12万5千部署在鸭绿江沿线,渡过鸭绿江的只有5到6万兵力。中国没有空军,而美空中力量强大,如果中国佬敢来,必屠宰之(”There would be the greatest slaughter.")。 麦 克阿瑟对于苏联的判断是:苏联没有任何地面部队可以用于朝鲜战场(须知,苏联在二战中的伤亡为2千万人)。唯一的可能是,”Russian air support of Chinese ground troops." 但这种苏联空军与中国陆军组合,美军毫无畏惧,"We are the best." 会谈之后,杜鲁门吃了定心丸,对麦克阿瑟的分析非常满意 (Toland. p.241-2),对记者称,两人的观点取得了”complete unanimity"。麦克阿瑟获得了更大的自由决策权。 回过头看,麦克阿瑟对局势的判断非常准确,他正确的判断中国将出动地面部队,苏联将提供空中支援, 但无法提供地面部队。而他个人的军事政治目标其实是攻入中国。他的错误在于,低估了解放军的战斗效能。 中 国的角度与苏联完全不同,如果朝鲜局势对苏联无关痛痒,那么对中国来说涉及生死存亡。一旦美军攻陷整个朝鲜,陈兵中朝边境,那么中国将面临巨大的军事压 力。特别是中国当时的几乎全部电力和重工业都在东北,失去朝鲜的缓冲区,正所谓唇亡齿寒。因此当美军不顾中国的警告,越过38线,毛泽东决定无论苏联态度 如何,中国必须兵出朝鲜,御敌于国门之外。 彭 德怀在1950年10月20日会见金日成的时候,列出了三种可能;(1)中国军消灭联合国军,实现朝鲜问题的和平解决;(2)双方陷入僵持;或者(3)中 国军无法抵御联合国军,不得不撤回中国。对于第三种情况,中国已经考虑到联合国军可能会乘胜对中国境内实施打击,等于中国的解放将推迟数年。中国军的目标 当然是争取第一个结果。 美 军对于中国人的认识是基于唐人街华人逆来顺受的形象。在遭受中国军的猛烈打击之后,美第十集团军司令ALMOND给其师长们的指令仍然是:“Don't let a bunch of Chinese laundrymen stop you." 在美国排华法案下,美国华人从事的主要职业就是开洗衣店。而且开洗衣店还被美国当地政府制定歧视性条款加以限制。旧金山市政条例就规定,洗衣店不能开在木 头房子里,结果有人华人不服,继续在木房子里开洗衣店,被逮捕入狱。 联 合国军在中国军的打击下全面溃败之后,美国人这才知道真正的汉人是如此勇猛。麦克阿瑟向华盛顿发出电报,其腔调几乎是绝望的:”We face an entirely new war. This command has done everything possible within its capabilities but is now faced with conditions beyond its control and strength." 麦克阿瑟给出的建议是美军撤出朝鲜,退守日本。 美国政府陷入混乱。美国总统杜鲁门表示,一直在积极考虑在朝鲜战场使用核武器(早在仁川登陆之前,美国就曾考虑在朝鲜使用核武)。但美国的这个表示吓坏了英国与法国,因为虽然美国距离遥远,这两个欧洲国家却在苏联的核武威慑之下。