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分享 回应夜夜城“牧野”的声明
热度 2 admin 2015-8-18 07:49
前日鱼雷提问检测之事我不知何意,后来才得知夜夜城发了个声明。在《 网教:从特那包案看杨文斌案 》一文中,我以个人身份表示将在三个星期内向夜夜城发出传票。实际上,我在周六下午给 Yeyeclub.com 的 admin contact proxy4336765@1and1-private-registration.com 发出英文邮件,内容如下: Dear Yeyeclub.com, It has come to my attention that several users on your website have engaged malicious and defamatory attacks against me personally. Legal action will be taken against such people within the next few weeks. I hereby request that you preserve relevant records, including but not limited to posted content, IP addresses, email address and database records. Failure to do so may subject you to liabilities. 诽谤受害者要求相关网站保留证据的通知是一种常见的法律程序,也是一种确保证据完整的谨慎措施,发布诽谤攻击言论的网站无须过激反应,甚至对受到网站内容伤害的个人进行一步攻击。保留证据的义务是有明确法律依据的。 加州刑法California Penal Code § 135 规定,任何人在知道相关证据将需要被提交时蓄意销毁或者隐藏证据,可能被判处一年以下有期徒刑。 牧野 代表夜夜城的回应指责珍珠湾“采用不正当的方式来谋求扩大站点的影响力”是明确诽谤性言论。其【不可在网上公开呼吁窃取个人隐私。未经法官批准的“私家侦探”行为属于违法行为。】及其后面的内容为影射性诽谤。对此,本人保留对牧野以及夜夜城追究法律责任的权利。 我再次公开要求 牧野 ( 链接中检测自称牧野) 保留夜夜城相关数据,包括牧野本人及其其他ID的数据。并且希望牧野同意通过 EMAIL 接受传票,以节省传票送达费用。牧野有任何问题,可与本人EMAIL联系。 补充: 下午我给夜夜城网主发出下列 EMAIL 邮件,要求其停止攻击: Dear Muye (admin of yeyeclub.com), In response to your article athttp://yeyeclub.com/home.php?mod=spaceuid=58do=blogid=12754, I have posted a public reply athttp://www.zhenzhubay.com/home.php?mod=spaceuid=1do=blogid=30358, where I concluded that some of your statements are defamatory. Based on internet search of the terms "California Muye", I have identified "Muye Norley Liu", also known as "Mason Liu", who graduated from U of Idaho and a member of Trigmax Solutions, as the most likely person that matches your profile. Moreover, there is strong evidence that you are linked to the zhenzhubay user "wuseban". Were I mistaken on either point, please feel free to correct me. Your failure to deny these allegations may constitute admission. To reduce the level of animosity, I suggest that Yeyeclub.com refrain from making further unfounded accusations on its website and elsewhere. Sincerely, Dongxiao Yue, Ph.D. 之后发现“牧野”在继续攻击,并声称有律师代表,下面是我给其律师的传真 Wei Zhong Associate Attorney at Chen Lee's Law Office 1455 Response Road STE 120 Sacramento , CA 95815 Via fax: ( 916) 880-5601 Dear Mr. Zhong, I am writing to confirm that you represent the website YEYECLUB.COM and its owner, upon whom I am about to serve discovery requests in connection with an ongoing defamation case. After I informed yeyeclub.com's owner about the prospective discovery and requested him to preserve relevant documents, he went out in to attack me personally in two blog posts, the second of which listed you as legal counsel. Based on my online investigation, the owner of the Yeyeclub.com is very likely Muye Norley Liu, aka Mason Liu, of Trigmax Solutions, LLC. I believe that many of his statements about me are defamatory, and I may have to institute defamation claims against him personally. I have emailed him to either confirm or deny this so legal papers can be properly directed. If you are indeed counsel for Yeyeclub.com and its owner, please respond to me by telephone below. Sincerely, Dongxiao Yue, Ph.D. 2777 Alvarado Str, Ste C San Leandro , Ca 94577 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
个人分类: 网站信息|10310 次阅读|11 个评论
分享 徐律师说被告律师只值250
热度 3 岳东晓 2015-3-15 15:51
上次我写了篇《 普法:FRCP 37(d) 惩罚条例浅析 》,帮大家解读了一个条款 the court must require the party failing to act, the attorney advising that party, or both to pay the reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, caused by the failure 这个条款是说,法庭可以要求未能参加取证的诉讼方及其律师支付由其非作为造成的合理的费用(包括律师费),关键是上面的我特意加粗的部分。我还举例说,【 假如一律师为了准备证词录取花了1000小时(如查阅证据、资料、法律、制定讯问策略、设计质询问题等),兴冲冲地跑去约好的地点,结果对方没来,这个1000小时的费用是否由对方没来造成的呢? 答案显然是:NO。】 后来听说,桑兰案被告方开出一张好几万美金的账单,其中被告律师莫虎收费每小时1000美金,折扣价600。 现在原告的徐律师回应了,我也没有细看。但粗看下主要有三点: 1)被告索要的费用大部分不是由原告未能参加取证造成的,也就是不满足上面提到的那个”caused by"的限制; 2)被告律师莫虎值不了1000元/小时,也值不了600,合理价格应该是250; 3)被告账单不清楚。 最后原告认为合理赔偿是 160美金。
个人分类: 法律|8371 次阅读|8 个评论


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