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分享 香港政府必须行使执法权(三角地发言汇编)
热度 5 岳东晓 2014-10-6 13:00
今天在北大三角地的发言汇编。注意,有些发言是针对性的,并不见得代表了我认为的最佳方案。 西方民主存在的必要条件是种族奴役制度,这是我之前已经论证的。缺乏种族奴役的坚实基础,西式民主制度难以为继。没有足够的被奴役对象,无法腾出时间精力进行充分的民主参与。历史上,雅典由民主走向寡头政治,罗马共和国走向帝国就是例子。当年,伯利克里在宣扬雅典对斯巴达的优势时的演讲就特别强调雅典的民主制度,但雅典最终失败了。当今的所谓民主派既无理论、又无献身精神,大多不过是准备吃人血馒头的。 ( 针对镇压会导致更大的社会矛盾的说法) Western thought does not strive to create a harmonious society, which is a distinctively oriental idea. As long as the Constitution is upheld, the system will endure. HK people are a free people, "free people are free to commit crimes", but they must also face justice for their actions. The HK people chose to violate the law, and the HK government must enforce it. Law cannot yield to the will of the mob. Look at the 1970s, the anti-war era, there were mass protests all over the U.S. Never did the US government flinch. The government's job is to enforce the law enacted by the legislature. Nixon decided to withdraw from Vietnam before the election, he intensified bombing of NV after taking office. The Kent State massacre occurred during the Nixon administration. US decision to withdraw from Vietnam was a result of military failure, not student protests. If HK does not act to enforce its laws, its inaction may render the laws unenforceable and invalid.
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