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分享 美国政府将中国定位为“敌对国”可能会对美国华人社区造成以下伤害 ... ... ... ...
MingHao 2023-2-25 04:22
In short, positioning China as a "adversary" may lead to negative effects and mistakes in many aspects. Actually comprehensive and overall measures are required to ease tensions and promote win-win cooperation and world peace and development. This requires the joint efforts and wisdom of governmen ...
1544 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 1 side owned slaves. The other side started Black History Month
MingHao 2023-2-24 10:23
1198 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Anti-China Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Western Media
MingHao 2023-2-24 09:49
1288 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 领导世界意味着什么?
MingHao 2023-2-24 02:17
1407 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 《美国的霸权霸道霸凌及其危害》报告
MingHao 2023-2-24 02:15
1427 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Stacking the Deck in Favor of Affirmative Action?
MingHao 2023-2-23 13:33
Stacking the Deck in Favor of Affirmative Action? How “Framing” Affects Polling on One of America’s Most Controversial Policies https://www.manhattan-institute.org/stacking-the-deck-in-favor-of-affirmative-action?utm_source=Twitterutm_medium=Organic_Socialfbclid=IwAR2gURA-0lKfkgwdRVOLUEFPCk3ey ...
1378 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 旧金山欠华人 -市长的话
MingHao 2023-2-22 14:13
Joseph L. Alioto (1916-1998) The City's debt to its Chinese Joseph L .Alioto I sometimes wonder if San Franciscans appreciate how much they owe to the Chinese and to Chinatown for the social stability of The City in recent years. During the rough period of the urban crisi ...
1236 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Chinese labors were instrumental to these 3 epochal events in CA development
MingHao 2023-2-22 12:46
Chinese labors were instrumental to these 3 epochal events in CA development: 1 Aug 12, 1830 Capt John A Sutter settled , beginning of agricultural development 2 Jan 24 1848 James W Marshall discovered gold 3 transcontinental RR
996 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Guy Wright on Chinatown
MingHao 2023-2-22 10:42
The San Francisco Examiner 1979 Jun 26 26 Jun 1979, Tue · Page 27 https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Guy-Wright-Hearst-newspaper-columnist-2540089.php California occupies a unique place in the legends of China. one that may surprise even San Francis ...
29199 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 AAPI 印度,巴基斯坦裔历史
MingHao 2023-2-22 06:23
https://twitter.com/AsianWeekDB https://scroll.in/article/869304/bhagat-singh-thinds-fight-for-citizenship-in-1923-holds-lessons-for-immigrants-in-trumps-america https://www.saada.org/tides/article/united-states-of-america-vs-vaishno-das-bagai “I'm a Bengali leftie techie h ...
1057 次阅读|0 个评论


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