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分享 鸦片家族里走出的名人
MingHao 2023-12-11 09:38
在一个教育并不普及时代,文化艺术还是贵族所有。 所以文化艺术名人, 多少与这些家族有牵连? 建筑家 Charles Bulfinch https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.4159/harvard.9780674182226.c19/pdf 诗人思想家 Emerson
618 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Social Mobility
MingHao 2023-12-11 09:35
social mobility -vertical https://study.com/academy/lesson/social-mobility-definition-and-types-intragenerational-vs-intergernerational-vertical-vs-horizontal.html
691 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 social classes in America
MingHao 2023-12-11 09:08
Social classes in America refer to the hierarchical divisions within society based on various factors such as income, wealth, education, occupation, and social influence. While the concept of social class is complex and can be subjective, it is often discussed in terms of broad categories ...
612 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 礼貌举止
MingHao 2023-12-11 09:03
Manners are often considered a reflection of a person's upbringing, cultural background, and education level. Good manners generally involve showing respect, consideration, and politeness toward others. Here's how manners can be connected to one's class and education level: Upbringing and Famil ...
712 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 James K. Polk, Manifest Destiny
MingHao 2023-12-11 04:09
James K. Polk’s first State of the Union Address, on2 December 1845, promoted the concept that the US should encompass all of North America. https://www.historytoday.com/archive/months-past/manifest-destiny
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分享 Impact of the Frolic 沉船,鸦片走私,红木森林 , Mendocino初始
MingHao 2023-12-11 03:32
Frolic 解释了 为什么雇佣华工 7 weeks away 所以从中国运人运货 当中国贸易商人看上刚发现黄金的加州他们想在这里分一杯羹 于是 1850年6月25日深夜 一声巨响 掀开了历史帷幕 鸦片毛衣,红木开采 Impact of the Frolic: A Shipwreck that Transcended the World https://yout ...
623 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 FRANCIS E. WARREN, Rock Spring Massacre
MingHao 2023-12-11 02:04
https://www.wyominghistoryday.org/theme-topics/collections/items/cartoon-titled-fe-warren-chinese-protector-pack-jury-they-must-be LETTER FROM WYOMING TERRITORIAL GOVERNOR FRANCIS E. WARREN TO THE COMMANDING OFFICER, CAMP PILOT BUTTE, ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING, AUGUST 5, 1886 Transcript ...
1414 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Dixwell Baltimore Ship
MingHao 2023-12-10 12:21
Impact of the Frolic: A Shipwreck that Transcended the World https://youtu.be/BSlkgXZHrrA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n597NxUC_FQ About George Basil Dixwell Early in the Spring of 1844, George Basil Dixwell wrote from Canton, China, to his brother, John James Dixwell, in ...
652 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Camera Obscura 暗箱(早期的照相機), 暗箱(成像)效應
MingHao 2023-12-10 11:45
781 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Warren Delano Houses
MingHao 2023-12-10 11:34
1852年。 妻子LYMAN是否和MAopium商人一家? Algonac estate on the Hudson near Newburgh, New York https://househistree.com/houses/algonac Fair Haven CT https://fairhaventours.com/capt-warren-delano-house/ https://www.delanohomestead.com/bed-and-breakfast/family_history.html ...
654 次阅读|0 个评论


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