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分享 Low Family: American Industrial Revolution
MingHao 2024-8-19 04:10
New Jersey -- Nicholas Low (1757–1826)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Low Gouveneur, Rufus King, Alsop, Lawrence... Brooklyn -- Abbiel Abbot Low (1760–1820) 儿子Seth Low( )https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_Low were both prominent figures in earl ...
533 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (S.U.M.)
MingHao 2024-8-19 03:56
http://patersongreatfalls.org/sum.html http://patersongreatfalls.org/hamilton.html http://patersongreatfalls.org/coltgunmill.html http://patersongreatfalls.org/rogers.html http://patersongreatfalls.org/otherindustries.html The Society for Establishing Useful Manu ...
630 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Cotton Factories at Paterson Fall NJ
MingHao 2024-8-19 03:35
562 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 继承了对华走私鸦片钱,罗斯福家纽约两栋豪宅
MingHao 2024-8-19 02:48
奶奶 的父亲是 Mary Rebecca Aspinwall (1809–1886), daughter of merchant John Aspinwall (1779–1847) and Susan ( née Howland) Aspinwall (1779–1852) of New York. 奶奶的兄弟是 William Henry Aspinwall (Pacific Mail Shipping 带华人来美国的船公司) https://en.wikipedia ...
776 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 吴建勋的人类“观念学”成果简介
稻草 2024-8-18 19:12
中国当代思想家吴建勋的包括观念科学在内的观念学成果简介 1 、创立了统一逻辑学。 在自然科学、哲学成果基础上,经过哲学的创新,在“新、旧三论”的基础上,经过数学和逻辑学的论证,论证出了新的逻辑学,即统一逻辑学。这一成果发表在吴建勋的专著《客体、观念科学和数学的本质》上。 ...
666 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 US inventors
MingHao 2024-8-18 12:25
https://usinventor.org/ https://www.biography.com/inventors/g43350734/famous-inventors https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American_inventors https://www.american-inventor.com/great-inventors
542 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Silk Factory at Paterson NJ
MingHao 2024-8-18 12:00
https://www.americanhistory.si.edu/explore/stories/hanging-thread-buying-thread-rise-us-silk-industry https://njskylands.com/hssilk http://patersongreatfalls.org/silkcity.html
529 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 中医是科学吗?
稻草 2024-8-17 23:52
中 医 是 科 学 吗? (作者:吴建勋)   中医的核心理论是经络理论,而经络不为现代科学所能解释。所以一些人认为中医不是科学。   但是,经络是不是客观存在的呢?答案是肯定的。   经络已经为科学实验所证实,著名的有中科院的祝总骧研究员通过声光电验证了经络的存在,还有他的后辈同事们又 ...
632 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 法国帮助美国独立
MingHao 2024-8-17 10:30
585 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 新英格兰商人在对华鸦片走私中的角色
MingHao 2024-8-17 08:56
ChatGPT said: ChatGPT New England merchants played a significant role in the opium smuggling to China during the 19th century. Their involvement was part of a larger transnational trade network that connected the United States, particularly New England, with ...
541 次阅读|0 个评论


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