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热度 10已有 8700 次阅读2014-6-2 04:49 |个人分类:法律|系统分类:随笔评论| 故事

看了自在飞花的故事,一位老人在艰苦的环境中去世,活着的时候无人问,死后留下一笔钱却差点引发了养子们的一场争斗。这令我想起了最近偶然看到的一个案例。我只记得故事,忘了案例名,刚刚搜出来,是Estate of Genecin ex rel. Genecin v. Genecin, 363 F. Supp. 2d 306,贴在下面,也做个记录。




This lawsuit is the result of an unfortunate and bitter dispute between two brothers, Victor Genecin and Paul Genecin, over the rightful ownership of two assets — a lithograph and an individual retirement account — that once belonged to their mother, Rita Genecin, who is now deceased. Rita Genecin loved her sons very much and undoubtedly was very proud of them. Both are accomplished; one is a doctor and the other a lawyer. But the Court has no doubt that were she alive today, Rita Genecin would be deeply disappointed in her sons. For they have fought each other viciously over these assets when an amicable resolution was always evident, and in the process, they have leveled distressing allegations against each other — charging each other with fraud, falsifying documents and suborning perjury. Worse yet, in their headstrong battle over these assets, it appears that they may have expended more on legal fees than either could possibly hope to recover.

The court system itself did not fail this family. Magistrate Judge William I. Garfinkel, who has a well deserved reputation for being able to settle tough cases, plaintively urged the brothers "without Court intervention, ... [to] fashion a resolution that honors Rita's wishes," and he tried to help them toward that goal. Ruling on Mot. for Prejudgment Replevin [doc. # 43] at 2. This Court itself took the extraordinary action of ordering Paul and Victor to meet with each other, along with their lawyers, during the trial to discuss settlement, because, as the Court observed to them at the time, "you owe it to yourselves,  you owe it to your children, and you owe it most of all to the memories of your parents to roll up your sleeves and work as hard as you can to come up with solution that is not a vindication, that is not a victory, but ... that respects each other and your parents, and that is sensible." Tr. at 539. Yet, for their own reasons, Paul and Victor Genecin instead inexplicably chose to bring misery and calumny upon each other.

This self-destructive battle need not have happened. And, as the Court noted at trial, it should have been stopped long ago; not for Victor's and Paul's sake, but rather, for the sake of their children — cousins all — and most of all, because of the memory of their loving parents, Rita and Abraham Genecin. Inevitably, this Court's decision, like all judicial resolutions, will disappoint some. Yet, it remains the Court's fervent hope that Victor and Paul can somehow bring themselves to view this decision as marking the end of a tragic period in their lives and that they will seize the opportunity to stop the fighting and begin the healing process.








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回复 宜修 2014-6-2 10:05
回复 自在飞花 2014-6-2 10:47
the two sons,  one is a doctor and the other a lawyer.  真是想不通啊, 他们可是很有钱的富人一族。人的贪欲和私念确实无穷无尽。 法院的判决写得情真意切,为了他们的孩子成长,也为了父母的心愿,他们应该停止战斗,愈合伤痕。希望这样的自私闹剧少一些为好。
回复 岳东晓 2014-6-2 10:53
自在飞花: the two sons,  one is a doctor and the other a lawyer.  真是想不通啊, 他们可是很有钱的富人一族。人的贪欲和私念确实无穷无尽。 法院的判决写得情真意切, ...
[they have leveled distressing allegations against each other — charging each other with fraud, falsifying documents and suborning perjury.]
回复 自在飞花 2014-6-2 11:02
岳东晓: [they have leveled distressing allegations against each other — charging each other with fraud, falsifying documents and suborning perjury.]
相互之间这么大的仇恨,   还是亲人之间,  真正值得反思.
回复 铜山 2014-6-2 14:38
自在飞花: 相互之间这么大的仇恨,   还是亲人之间,  真正值得反思.
这事太多了~~ 我都不觉得奇怪~~
回复 自在飞花 2014-6-2 23:58
铜山: 这事太多了~~ 我都不觉得奇怪~~


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