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已有 2416 次阅读2021-3-19 12:38 |个人分类:美国华人|系统分类:转帖-时事政治经济

May be an image of 2 people, people standing and text that says 'STAND AGAINST RACISM M #STOPASIANHATE'

Tonight at dinner, I asked my two kids if they are aware of what happened in Atlanta. My 14 year old said no. So I did the quick factual recitation of what I know – a 31-year old white male walked into a spa with a gun and killed 8 people, 6 of whom are Asian women. This was not the first time we talked about the many incidents of violence against Asians since Trump repeatedly said the pandemic in the US is caused by the “Chinese virus.” My daughter stared in silence for some time in deep thoughts. I asked her to eat her dinner. She said she doesn’t feel well, that her stomach hurts, and she started to tear up. I was shocked. I asked her what happened and what is going on. Then it dawned on me that it had to do with what I said. She shook her head, started to cry, and extended her arms for a hug. I held her tight and I promised her that there are many more good people in the world than there are bad. She asked, “Why can’t people see all of us as humans? We are all just humans! We are all the same.” I said that’s how we all should see each other, and we can make sure the people around us see the world that way. She calmed down and I got her to finish her dinner. We talked for almost an hour, with her genuinely trying to understand why people would want to hurt her just because she is Asian. She wants to go out with her friends for Bubba milk tea on Saturdays as the weather warms up.

I am guilty of putting her in a Chinese car service, and tracking her every move on Life360 when she last went out with her school friends. And she went out a total of just three times in the last six months. I cannot explain the fear I have for her safety – three young girls, two Asians and one white, walking on the street talking and laughing with Bubba milk tea in their hands, with not a care in the world and the inability to see how anyone can possibly have the ill intention of hurting them. I wish the world is just as they feel it should be. What happened in Atlanta finally brought tears to her eyes, coupled with the many videos of violence in recent days just tipped her innocent world views to an end. It’s tough to watch as a mother.  -  Siyan Wong New York NY










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