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分享 大陆移民在美国
MingHao 2022-12-2 07:24
80后在美国 - “很多朋友提过怎么讲华人的故事这样一个问题。刘思慕的书是一个非常棒的尝试。书中很大篇幅是他父母的故事,六十年代生人、1978级大学生留学北美,养育二代的故事,讲得坦诚温暖,得到各族裔人士的共鸣。希望今后有越来越多这样的故事汇集成我们社区的集体叙事和文化形象。” ...
17117 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Racial discrimination by Veterans Affairs spans decades, lawsuit says
MingHao 2022-12-2 06:18
The U.S. government has discriminated against “countless” Black military veterans dating back decades, rejecting service-connected disability claims disproportionately compared with White applicants, and blocking access to housing and education benefits that helped fuel t ...
12587 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 排外今昔,判断历史
MingHao 2022-12-1 10:12
America’s Exclusionary Past and Present and the Judgment of History The Trump Administration’s immigration policies are part of the shameful legacy of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which ushered in a new, discriminatory governing framework for U.S. n February 28, 1882, Senator ...
1643 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 不该被遗忘的族裔清洗
MingHao 2022-12-1 09:36
Gum Shan . Gold Mountain. That was what the people in Guangdong Province called the faraway land where the native population had red hair and blue eyes, and it was rumored that gold nuggets could be plucked from the ground. According to an account in the San Francisco Chronicle , a merc ...
3092 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美国急需中国移民,然后呢?
MingHao 2022-12-1 06:38
Tarred as a “coolie race,” the Chinese were cast as a threat to free white labor. Illustration by Mojo Wang U ntil the middle of the nineteenth century, settlement of America’s western frontier generally reached no farther than the Great Plains. The verdant land that Spanish conqu ...
2753 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 洛杉矶被屠杀的华人中的一位草药医生
MingHao 2022-12-1 06:15
Los Angeles, in the latter half of the nineteenth century, was an isolated and rough-hewn town, known for its lawlessness and disorder. A small population of Chinese immigrants from Guangdong Province made their way there, working as laundrymen, or as household cooks and servants; some leased sma ...
53151 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 华裔同化的故事,未完。。。
MingHao 2022-12-1 05:55
Cultural Comment The Anxious, Unfinished Story of Chinese-American Assimilation By October 26, 2016 n June 23, 1982, Vincent Chin, a twenty-seven-year-old working as an industrial draftsman at an engineering firm, was out with his friends at the Fancy Pants stri ...
1642 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 谁投反对票,谁投赞成票?
MingHao 2022-11-30 11:43
https://voteview.com/ http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/makingmodernus/exhibits/show/chineseexclusionact1882/item/482 http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/makingmodernus/exhibits/show/chineseexclusionact1882/item/484 The bill was passed by the house on April 17, 1882.
1149 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 宇宙大爆炸方程
岳东晓 2022-11-30 03:14
前天看到个清华大学学生拿着张纸,上面写了几个数学符号(图)。很多人在问这是啥意思。我来科普下吧。 这个是 Friedmann 方程(之一),俄国物理数学家 Friedmann 在1924年发表。Mann 是人,但 Fried 不是自由的意思(虽然读音接近),而是和平之意。Friedmann 这个姓的含义不是自由人而是老实人。 方程左边 ...
3860 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 “1619项目”-改造美国历史和文化认同的尝试
MingHao 2022-11-28 07:02
2019年,一些当代美国历史学家提出将1619年视为“美国真正的创始之年”,因为那一年,20多名非洲人被迫搭乘英国私掠船“白狮号”抵达弗吉尼亚殖民地。这一“旨在通过描述奴隶制的后果和美国黑人的贡献来重构美国国家叙事”的历史工程,被称作“1619项目”。这是非裔美国人首次自上而下地系统性改造美国历史和文化认同的尝试 ...
1262 次阅读|0 个评论


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