热度 42
今天我呀真呀真高兴, 妹妹找哥泪花流~~~
刚才擦眼泪时无意中看到了10岁女儿写的作文: "What is awesomeness? ( 什么是牛人? ) "
"Awesomeness is not being afraid to do what you have to do. When you are awesome, you don’t lie and tell on others. You tell the truth no matter what the consequences are. When you show your talent, you are being awesome. Awesome people are helpful, and considerate. Mean people are not awesome.......
The world needs awesome people."
"牛人就是不怕去做不得不做的事。牛人不会用谎言去欺骗别人, 无论是什么后果都敢于说出真相。当你施展出你的才华的时候, 你正在变成一个牛人。牛人是顾全大局有益于社会的人, 肮脏卑鄙的人不是牛人……
谨以此文做为婉儿珍珠湾博客的开篇, 与大家共勉!
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