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NATURE's Attack on Ye Shows How Low The British Empire Has Fallen To

热度 7已有 7323 次阅读2012-8-4 05:17 |系统分类:体育

Nature's article titled "Why great Olympic feats raise suspicions" (by Ewen Callaway) is  yet another hideous attempt to discredit the Chinese nation by attacking a seemingly vulnerable target -- a 16-year old Chinese girl.

It should shock the conscience of the world
that the western propaganda apparatus resorts to false science to spew venom on Ye Shiwen, after a well orchestrated smear campaign by western mass media failed to taint the image of the People's Republic but disgraced the accusers themselves as petty-minded losers.

NATURE's fake science cannot hide its ill-intent.
Nature's sole basis for its attacks against Ye was that Ye was faster than Lochte in his final 50 meters during one particular game. Such comparison is flawed, and the way NATURE did it is plainly fraudulent.

To compare Ye to others, the proper question is not what Lochte did in one particular game, but what top male or female swimmers have been capable of achieving.

Let's compare Ye's last 50 meters to other female swimmers. 

A quick round of Google reveals the following: according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federica_Pellegrini, that female athlete did 200 meters in 1:52.98 in 2009. Her average for each 50m leg is thus 28.245 seconds. This also means Pellegrini did f
aster than 28.245 in at least one of the 50m legs. In comparison, Ye Shiwen did 50 meters in 28.93 seconds.

Nature can and should dig deeper and look at the comparative data for the final 50 meters only, and make a close comparison. But just by looking at Pellegrini's average, it is obvious that there is nothing suspicious per se about Ye's 28.93, because it's substantially slower.

If Nature wants to compare Ye Shiwen's to men, it also need to use the top numbers of men. Nature can't pick Lochte's number in that particular game, because he was almost the slowest in the last 50 meters of that competition. Another round of googling reveals that male swimmers can swim much faster than Ye in the last 50 meters...

Many readers have provided NATURE with similar data and patient explanations. Their rational comments are invariably removed by the editor of NATURE.

The Anglo-Saxons can be jealous and spew venom on Chinese athletes all day long as they still have control of the English language media. 

But such petty mentality is not the mind of a great people. 

When you makes accusation without a thread of evidence, that's defamation, and is unlawful. You should respect the law, even if you can't respect a young girl's hard work. 

Olympics is to promote the mutual respect and understanding of nations. But Nature is trying to smear the Chinese people using false science and sheer slander. 

Nature's malicious attack on Miss. Ye shows how low the British Empire has fallen to. And I hope the United States won't follow suit...








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回复 cat 2012-8-4 05:21
Leave her alone!
回复 lzh112 2012-8-4 06:11
没落就可以不要脸吗?   大英帝国通过自己行为暴露其真实的目的,自以为巧妙,实际非常愚蠢。冠冕堂皇的说词无法掩盖其嫉妒和恐慌的心理。我觉得很乐,因为这些小动作从侧面证实中国复兴是全方位的,我们被变成一个强大的敌人。
回复 鱼雷一号 2012-8-4 12:09
回复 蓝天白云 2012-8-4 18:20
回复 蓝天绿地 2012-8-4 21:32


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